The mission to round 3

Start from the beginning

I was currently sleeping until I was woken up by Zwai barking.

Touma: What's wrong?

Oobleck: Grab your weapons. Miss Rose may be in trouble.

We made are way to a hole in the ground that had Ruby's weapon near it.

We concluded that the underground crime network we were looking for was actually underground.

We went down the hole to find Ruby.

After jumping down the hole we quickly find are self's up against white fang members. After some explosions there defeated.

Ruby then comes running twords us.

Yang: (as Ruby jumps into her arms) Ruby!

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there.

Touma: Well that can't be good.

Ruby: There all loaded on the train.

Oobleck: But the tracks lead to a dead end.

We here Roman speak threw the speakers to tell everyone that there leaving.

Touma: We have to get on the train and stop it!

We get on the train before it leaves. We're currently on top of the train. Weiss looks down a hatch and asked..

Weiss: Professor..

Oobleck: Doctor..

Touma: Semantics!

Weiss: What's that?

Oobleck: That my dear, is a bomb.

Everyone: What!

Oobleck asked Blake to detach the cart but it dose it it's self. We then look and see every cart has a bomb.

Oobleck: He's leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What?

Oobleck: It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Another train car detaches itself.

Oobleck the told me, Yang, Weiss and Blake to go inside and stop the bombs while he and Ruby would stop the train.

Agreeing we went down and made are way through the train cart's.

As we went through we saw Roman's sidekick Neo.

Yang: Go on ahead, I got this.

As we continue, we were met with a white fang member.

Touma: I'll go after Roman, do you two got this?

Blake: Go!

I continued on, until I saw Roman.

Roman: Well hello there.

Roman: Round 3 ?

I clenched my first.

(Play music upabove)

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