Before You Say No...

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tehehe yall gonna hate me

Hermoine pov

I sat with Henry trying to teach him basic transfiguration when I heard a knock on Hagrid's door. I gave Henry a look that said hide! as I stood up to open the door.

Henry got the message and dove into a closet closing the door behind him.

I wasn't really worried, most of the time it was just someone from the school looking for Hagrid or a student asking for help on an assignment. But when I opened the door and spotted platinum blonde hair and a pale face hiding behind it.

Draco was looking down and didn't seem to see me. "Hey so is Hagrid here?"

I glared at him and he glanced up before looking back down and clearing his through.

"No, he's not, it's just me," I told him

"Oh..." He shuffled. "I'll just leave then." He began to turn around.

It was weird

So I did something weird too.

I called him back. "Hey wait." He stopped. "What... Why were you looking for Hagrid?"

Malfoy looked up at me and I saw a deep sadness in his eyes. "I uh.. Well, I was going to..." He kicked at the ground picking up some dirt. "I was gonna ask about veelas... I guess. And like maybe also apologize for how I like acted before."

I moved my eyes from his and spotted him scratching his arm. The one with the dark mark I realized.

"I guess I should also apologize to you too and um Ha- erm Potter." He stuttered out still scratching his arm.

I scrunched my eyebrows and grabbed his arm. "Stop that," I demanded at the same time my brain had the thought that hey Draco looks kinda cute when he's not being a dick. "Did Ron apologize to you yet?!" I yelped dropping his arm and fighting a blush. 

"Uh... for what?" 

"For... calling you a... well for calling you gay." I stuttered out. 

"He didn't call me gay, not that its an insult, he called me a fag." Malfoy corrected "So he called me a cigarette I believe that was what the word was used for in muggle slang before it was an insult to homosexuals."  He seemed to be in a haze as he sprouted out facts about the word and man I should not have found it attractive but I always felt a little wet when Ron would restate the facts I had taught him so... 

 He blinked back into reality and said, "Well I guess I'll be leaving then." 

He took a step backward and I felt something inside of me twist and I realized I didn't want him to leave. He may have been a dick most of the time I had known him but I knew he wasn't evil, he had saved Harry and when I was being tourchered I think I remember him suggesting that maybe I really didn't know. 

Maybe it was that I was still heartbroken over Ron maybe I had been wanting it for a while, I don't know. All I do know is that when I grabbed his arm pulled him down and captured his lips in mine he didn't push me away. 

God, I am so evil. I'm sorry

Draco pov

We pulled away and she looked at me in shock. "Why didn't you push me away," Hermione asked 

I shrugged "I don't know."  Then I realized. Wait... She's a Gryffindor, so is my mate, She smells pretty good I guess and she kissed me.  I looked at her "I think you might be my mate." 

"Your mate?" She tilted her head, I suppose it looked cute. 

"Yeah, Veela's have a certain person they're supposed to get with and well mate for life. Also before you freak out and say no let me tell you that if you do say no I will die. Not trying to pressure you or anything." I explained. 

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