Chapter 17

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A/N: Ed. Sheeran. Feels. Please. Help.


Chapter 17

Natalie's POV:

*Few weeks later*

"Are you ready to go, Natalie?"

"Yeah, just a minute!" I called back as I put on the last layer of lipstick before grabbing my stuff and walking out to the living room. "I'm ready to go now." I smiled as he got up and stuck his free arm out to me. I linked my arm through his and we made our way to the front door.

"M'lady," he says motioning me through the door and bowing slightly.

"You're a freak," I laughed but following his hand motion and walking out the door. I re-linked our arms together as soon as I locked the door. "Where are we headed?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he winked at me.

"Nooo," I groaned, slumping my shoulders and throwing my head back. I hated surprises with a passion, and he should know this by now!

"Be patient!"

"Fine," I dragged out. "But please, no more surprises!"


We stood waiting for the elevator doors to open so my boyfriend and I can go out on our date. Finally, the doors opened and on the other side stood Harry and the blond boy I saw at the restaurant so many weeks ago.

"Hey Harry," I said as enthusiastically as I could, even though it was the last thing I felt when I saw them.

There was an awkward silence after my greeting. "Uh, I'm Niall," Blondie said, breaking the silence.

"Nice to meet you," I replied, shaking his hand. "I'm Natalie." He smiled at me before nudging Harry slightly.

"Oh yeah, hey Nat," Harry smiled, showing off his perfect teeth and adorable dimples. His smile faded a bit when he saw the brown-haired boy at my side. "Seth," he nodded.

Seth barely cracked a smile before turning his gaze to the tiny cast on his wrist. He didn't seem too happy to bump into Harry, which is odd because it's not like he could remember anything that happened before.

"So where are you headed?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence that had formed.

"Off to grab some dinner," Niall replied after a few moments of silence. Harry seemed a bit zoned out and Seth still seemed intrigued with his cast.

"Yum, where at?" I asked casually, trying to make things less awkward. I still had my arm tangled with Seth's, but I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I moved it so I was crossing both arms over my chest and I was leaning against the wall of the lift.

"Nandos actually," he answered, his Irish accent ringing out.

Seth threw his head back and groaned in a very loud and obnoxious way, which I found to be extremely rude. I'm guessing Seth was planning on going to Nandos then.

"Seth," I whispered-yelled at him, widening my eyes so he'd understand how rude he was being. After what seemed like eternity, the doors opened and the awkwardness was finally over.

He was acting like the new Seth again. The Seth I didn't like.


I made it to the hospital after mentally debating what I was going to do about Seth. I decided that I was just going to tell him the truth. He had changed and so have I.

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