Chapter 20

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A/N: Merry late Christmas! Unedited oops.


Chapter 20

Natalie's POV:

I didn't dare turn around to see who the masculine voice belong to, and I felt like I was about to pee my pants from fear.

"Are you scared?" the man asked, still using that creepy voice. I gulped and decided to face the intruder. Why did I have to be so stupid and leave the door open? Slowly and with closed eyes, I began to turn my head to face the place I thought the voice was coming from. I took a deep breath then opened my eyes, ready to jump up and run.

"Boo!" The man screamed from directly above my head. I let out a piercing scream and began to thrash my hands and feet around wildly in hopes of hitting him. My offender bust out laughing.


I stopped screaming and controlled my arms and legs as I got a good look at the guy doubled over on my floor laughing at me.

"Tyler? What the hell!" I grabbed one of the pillows nearest to me and threw it at my bestfriend's boyfriend, hitting him in the head.

"You, your face, oh my god, you looked like, that was epic!" he sputtered out between laughs.

"Shut up and don't ever speak of this moment again!" I stuck my tongue out at him. "Why are you even here?"

"You are not a very nice girl," he replied as he composed himself. "Sammie told me to come by. She was probably bored of her roommate and wanted some real company." He stuck is tongue back out at me and walked into the kitchen looking for something to satisfy his probable hunger.

"Fat ass," I muttered teasingly. Tyler has been spending quite a lot of time time in our flat with Sammie, and we've become better friends. We mostly argue and tease each other, but we know it's only joking. We both loved Sammie and would never want to do anything to make her pick between the two of us.

He shrugged and continued eating the cookies he had found sitting on the counter.


About an hour after Tyler arrived, him and Sammie were cuddled up on the sofa and Seth and I sat together on the floor. We had decided to have a mini double-date at home watching movies, but it felt more like Sammie and Tyler were on a date and Seth and I were observers. Seth was sitting with his phone in his hands and his legs spread out in front of him. Can't he at least pretend he's having fun and watch the movie?

"Seth, can you pass me the popcorn please?" I asked, trying to divert his attention from his screen.

He subconsciously reached for the bowl and handed it to me, his eyes still glued to his phone. I sighed and snatched the bowl from him. This caught his attention and he looked up at me.

"What?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at his ignorance and shook my head. He shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to his phone. This is fun.

I turned my head to look at Sammie and Tyler, and the sight I saw was the most adorable thing ever.

Sammie was sitting without her head resting on Tyler's shoulder and her feet tucked in underneath he rand her eyes fluttering to a close. Tyler had one arm around her shoulder and the other playing with one of Sammie's hands, his eyes switching from her hand to her face and back. I felt like I was watching a Nicolas Sparks movie, it was that cute. I held back an 'awe' and turned to look at the boy who is supposedly my boyfriend. He had finally put down his phone and was eating popcorn with his eyes now glued to the TV screen. At least he was watching the movie now.

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