Chapter 13

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A/N: Going to try to update as often as I can!

Aaand the dedication this time is because she comments on most of my chapters :) Thanks bebzz.


Chapter 13

Natalie's POV:

"If you're able to fall out of love, then I don't think you ever really loved that person in the first place..." Harry said quietly. 

His words made so much sense, I was a bit surprised.

My heart was telling me I didn't love Seth anymore, but my mind was telling me I was. I spent two years of my life thinking he was the one, that I truly loved him: had I been childish, or had I really? Did the fact that I wanted Harry effect anything at all? 

Ugh. Love, love, love. I am so sick of that damn word. 

"Harry, would you listen to your heart or your brain in this situation?" I asked, even thought it was weird to ask my 'crush', if I may, these sort of questions. He seemed like he could give me some good advice. 

"I think loving someone is about taking risks, and listening to your heart is risky," he replied in the same tone as before.  I looked up and caught his gaze.  His beautiful eyes stared back at me and I had the sudden urge to kiss him, but that would be wrong.

I don't know what it was about him saying that that made me like him more. I think it was because the answers he gave me came from his heart, they were real. Normally it would take me a while before I started liking a guy, but not Harry. He was different. I like it - I like him.

I couldn't find anything to say. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. He was quick to hug me back, nuzzling his face into my neck just like Seth used to do. 

Seth. I needed to talk to him. I needed to tell him because I had to. It wouldn't be fair to either of us if I went on pretending like nothing was wrong. 

I took a deep breath, inhaling some of Harry's cologne in the process, and let it out. I suddenly remembered the fact that I probably looked like a wreck.

"I think I want to go home and change before I talk to him," I said, reluctantly pulling away from his warm and comforting grasp.

"I'll drive you home," Harry said as he stood up and looked down, messing up his hair a bit on the sides before snapping his head up and pushing his curls out of his eyes. Interesting way to do your hair, I thought.

"You don't have to, I have my own car," I pressed, not wanting to bother him anymore.

"Don't be silly. I don't want to leave you alone." 

I don't want to be alone, I thought. I smiled a bit at the fact that he cared so much and that he was willing to stay with me.

"Don't you have anywhere to be? I don't want to be a bother," I said as I stood up and began walking to the exit with Harry by my side.

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p'. "We were in the studio today. I finished work."

Work. Damn it! I was totally going to get fired now. I took my phone out of my pocket and took it off of silent before checking to see if I had any calls or messages. 

3 missed calls and 12 text messages. 

"Crap," I groaned quietly.

"What's up?" Harry asked, leading me to his car. 

"I totally ditched work today," Luigi was going to be furious. I had one missed call and 5 texts from Sammie, asking me if I knew about Seth. Wow, news travels quick. All the other calls and messages were from work. I really did not want to read these text messages.

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