Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Natalie's POV:

It's been about two weeks since that night at the club. Harry and I had exchanged numbers even though he started acting really weird since I told him about the way Seth way getting on my nerves. I had no idea why I had told him. I guess I had a bit too much to drink and I was really upset.

I've been back to work for a while now and my toe was healing quite well. I haven't had the chance to hang out with Sammie that much lately and it really sucks. Since we are both chefs in the same restaurant, we often have opposite shifts. She works on my days off and I work on hers. The only time I really see her now is when we're working, which technically means we haven't got to talk about that night. I desperately needed somone to talk to about it. Even though she doesn't have a boyfriend, she is quite the expert on boys. Of course, we both had more friends, but not the kind of friends that you would tell your secrets to.

The reason we've both been working so hard is the fact that the owner of the L'Anima that we worked in was retiring, which meant that he will most likely sell the restaurant. Ever since I have met Sammie, our dream was to own our own restaurant. It would be a dream come true, and we would be set for life as well as get to work together. Lately though, I haven't found myself enjoying it as much as I had before.

Tonight, our shifts ended early because Luigi has hired a new chef to work with us. Appearently, having two 19 year olds run the kitchen isn't 'professional' and they might lose their 5-star quality because of it. I think it's just stupid because even though we were young, we are better cooks than Chef Ramsay himself! Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration.

As I drove home from work, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached for it as I pulled into my usual parking spot. I couldn't help but smile when I saw who it was.

From: Harry

Would you like to go out for coffee today? Haven't seen you in a while :) x

My heart skipped a beat when I read this. We have been texting quite a bit lately, but most of the time it was just asking the other how their day has been going when we were bored. I thought about if I should go. I mean, Seth would be home and he probably wouldn't want me to go. Suddenly, I remembered what Sammie had told me the night we went clubbing.

"You can do whatever the hell you want. He isn't your freaking dad," she had said. She was right, I don't have to ask him permission. He was my boyfriend, not my guardian. I checked the time; it was almost 4:30. I typed a quick response before getting out of my car and walking to the apartment.

To: Harry

Love to! When and where?

He responded almost immediately, almost as if he was just waiting for the second I responded.

From: Harry

Starbucks in half an hour?

I thought about this for a second. It would take me aat least and hour to take a shower and get ready.

To: Harry

How about an hour? I just got off work and need to get ready first :)

From: Harry

Sure, see you then! x

With that, I walked into the apartment and ran into the shower, picking a pair of light pink skinny jeans, my flowy black tanktop with the words 'PARTY ON' written on it in white, and my black converse. When I finished showering and getting dressed, I tied my hair into a loose, high ponytail. I didn't feel like wearing my contacts, so I put on my Chanel thick-framed glasses after applying a minimal amount of make-up. All I put on my face was a quick layer of foundation, some eye liner and mascara. I didn't need to look good in front of him anyways. It's not like I need to impress him for any reason. I had Seth, and he was the only boy whose opinion should matter to me. I still couldn't help but think that I needed to look better than this, but it was too late. I have five minutes to get to Starbucks.

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