Chapter 22

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A/N: Currently suffering from Ed feels. Enjoy :)


Chapter 22

Natalie's POV:

"This place is beautiful," I muttered in amazement as I stepped out of the cab I had taken from the airport to the hotel I was staying at, not far from the one Harry and his band mates were staying in for their week-long break.

"The city of love," the driver stated matter-of-factly in his thick french accent.

"It's really lovely," I gushed. "And thank you so much, I think I can take it from here." He nodded and handed me my luggage.

I quickly pulled my things to the entrance of the hotel; the peacoat and earmuffs I was wearing doing little to keep me warm.

"Bonjour, bienvenue à l'Hôtel Lutetia," the bellboy, Duran according to his name tag, greeted me.

I was suddenly very relieved for having taken French in school. "Merci," I thank him as he took my bags from my hands.

I checked in at the front and made my way to my room, the bellboy not that far behind with my luggage. I looked around the room before setting my purse on the queen-sized bed and pulling a tip out for Duran. He left and I was left alone. I took off my jacket, earmuffs, and shoes and looked around the room. I walked passed the bed and expensive-looking couch to take a look at the Eiffel Tower outside the floor-to-ceiling window. I sighed at the beauty in front of me. It's so gorgeous. I have a feeling this is going to be the best vacation I have ever been on, though I was missing Sammie and my parents.

That thought reminded me to send texts to my mum and Sammie to let them know I was in my hotel and safe.

I'm literally buzzing with excitement to finally see Harry for the first time in about five months. I shot him a text to let him know I had arrived.

I should probably get cleaned up and get dressed in some fresh clothes. After all, I don't want to see Harry and possibly meet new people looking like this. I unzipped my luggage and pulled out a nice top with a nice pair of jeans and some shoes. I grabbed a bra and underwear and my toiletries bag and headed to the giant bathroom.


After taking a nice hot shower and brushing my teeth, I got dressed and did my hair and makeup quickly.

I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed. Why hasn't Harry called or sent me a text yet? He's probably busy right now... I'm just so eager to do something, anything. I don't want to waste any time alone in my hotel room. I decided to wait a little longer before calling Harry.

Deciding to make room in my phone for the hundreds of pictures I promised Sammie I would take, I pulled up the camera roll on my phone and went through it, deleting the photos that were unpleasant or had already been posted online. I came across one picture that I couldn't bring myself to erase. Seth and I, lips pressed together lightly, small smiles on both our faces. This picture was taken so long ago. I remember this day like it was yesterday.

"Thanks so much for tonight, babe. It was so much fun," I told Seth, intertwining our fingers. It's our second anniversary and Seth had decided to book a mini-cruise for the both of us. Well, I can't really call it a cruise. It was just a little boat on a nearby lake where we ate dinner and danced, it was very romantic.

"Anything for you." We had now made it back to our apartment. Seth tossed his car keys aside and turned to me. He placed his arms around my waist, my hands almost subconsciously intertwined behind his neck. "You know why I'd do anything for you?" he asked quietly, our noses touching.

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