Chapter 6

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A/N: I have writers block, and it's really horrible... Sorry if this sucks.


Chapter 6

Natalie's POV:

I woke up Saturday morning to my phone buzzing loudly, signalling that I had received a text message. Who was texting me so early? I peeled my eyes open and looked at the clock; it was 5:46. I had to get up at 6 for work, so whoever just interrupted my sleep better have a good reason. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table to see who the text was from. To my surprise, it was Luigi. Luigi rarely ever texted anybody unless it was really important and he didn't have time to call. I opened the text and was surprised and mad at the same time.

From: Luigi

Don't come in to work today. I cut your hours because Sandra requested more. Thanks -Luigi

Seriously? I've worked at L'Anima  for almost six months and my hours get cut for a person that has been there less than two weeks? This is so not like Luigi. Normally, I'm his favorite worker and all of a sudden he starts changing the schedules so Sandra could work more.

Wait... What if him and Sandra were...

Oh God. This is awkward. I really hope I was wrong because working with a couple would be massively weird. Especially if I was the only one who knew... 

I decided to shake the thought from my mind. I was probably wrong anyways. I lay my head back down on the pillow after turning my phone off and drifted back  into sleep.


When I woke up again, it was because I felt Seth getting out of the bed. I opened my eyes and checked the clock for the second time today. It was almost noon. I wonder why Seth just now woke up. He normally got up much earlier than this, it wasn't like him. I sat up and adjusted my tank top, waiting for Seth to return from the bathroom so I can ask him what's up. He didn't talk to me all day yesterday since he got back from work. 

I heard the toilet flush and after a moment, he appeared from the bathroom. When he saw me up, he frowned and looked down at the ground. What was up with him?

"Good morning," I said. It sounded more like a question for some reason. He wasn't his usual cheery self.

"Morning," he mumbled, still not looking at me. He went to his closet and grabbed his clothes for today. He was about to walk out of the room to change. Since when does he do that? We never minded seeing each other in our undies before.

"Hey," I said, making him stop in his tracks. "What's up?"

"Nothing," he mumbled again as he looked at the t-shirt and jeans in his hands. I got up and walked towards him, putting my arms around his neck. 

"Something is obviously wrong. Since when do you wake up at noon? And why are you going to change in the bathroom?"

He sighed. "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course," I replied. Now I was worried and confused. What could possibly be wrong with him all of a sudden?

"I don't think I can do this anymore," he whispered. 

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I'm talking about us, Nat. I can't do it anymore. You've been so distant lately, and now I know why," he replied, releasing my grip on his neck and sitting on the bed. 

I was shocked. He was breaking up with me? But why? What have I done wrong? I know I was distant lately, but that's only because I needed some space every once in a while. Or was it? And what does he mean "and now I know why"? I finally made myself speak after a minute of silence. I held back my tears as I replied calmly.

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