Chapter Sixty

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Present Day 

Dr. Richard really didn't like having to work this late. In his youth, he had been able to stay up well into the night in order to finish projects and still be able to function on three hours of sleep and a lot of caffeine. 

But now the years had taken their toll. Richard was only in his late forties, but he looked at least ten years older. When he first joined WCKD, he was placed at Site A two years before the Maze Trials begun. He had seen a lot. 

"This really couldn't wait until morning?" Richard asked Stan as the two unconscious teenagers were rolled in on stretchers. "You realize this could kill them right? Taking this much at once." 

"I have my orders," Stan replied. "Janson wants all of it." 

Richard looked down at the two teens regretfully. He knew who they were of course, Subjects A-7 and A-0. He watched them during their entire time in the Maze Trials. His friend, Dr. Kim had been fond of the girl. When the Trials began, Kim had begun to drink more excessively. She said it was the only way she could cope with what they were doing to the subjects. Her problem only got worse when A-0 was put into the Maze. Richard had tried to help her, even told his superiors about the problem. But none of them really cared. They told him that the only thing that mattered was finishing the Trials so that they could find the cure. As long as Dr. Kim was doing her part, there wasn't anything they could do. 

Then a few months later, Kim finally had too much to drink and died of alcohol poisoning. 

"Alright, let's start with him," Richard said. 

No one noticed that Minho began to stir when he heard the words "this could kill them." 


While Teresa was searching for where Minho and Claire were on the computer, Gally still worked on getting inside the vault. Newt organized the other kids, getting them to help tie up the other guards and Thomas hovered over Teresa. 

"Someone's moved them up to the medical wing," she said. "Thomas, that's on the other side of the building." 

"Okay, take me to them right now." 

"Alright, I'm coming with you," Newt chimed in. 

"Newt, no you're not," Thomas argued. "You have to stay here, wait with Gally for the serum." 

"You can't do this on your own. And Claire and Minho come first, remember?" 

Thomas hesitated, he knew that Newt was right. But if he allowed Newt to come with him, it might be too late. 

"Just go, we're wasting time," Gally said. "I'll get the serum, we'll meet you out back." 

"Okay fine, let's go," Thomas said, grabbing his helmet and weapon. Gally wished him luck as he, Newt and Teresa left the room. 


Once they made it back to the main level, Teresa led Newt and Thomas to the elevator. Thomas pushed the button to go up. As the seconds ticked by they seemed to stretch on for hours. Thomas tried not to look around at anyone else for risk of drawing attention. 

Newt was clinging tightly to his weapon. This wasn't part of the plan, he didn't like that they were improvising, too many things could go wrong. But he was so close to saving his friends. 

I'm here, Claire, and I'm getting you out of this damn place. 

Newt knew that the odds were stacked against them, any moment now the virus could take hold of him. But he had made his choice, and he was gonna use every second of time he had left to save his best friend and the girl he cared about more than life itself. 

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