Chapter Thirty-One

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"Good plan, Thomas," Minho said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Just listen to what the man has to say, really working out for us." 

"Oh shut up, Minho." 

The teens were currently hanging upside down over a large hole that was at least four or five stories high. If any of them fell, it would no doubt be fatal. 

"Maybe I can reach the rope," Thomas said trying to pull himself up. Aris and Minho tried the same thing, but all three boys couldn't do it and fell back. 

"Enjoying the view," came a voice. Jorge had decided to join them. 

"What the hell do you want?" Minho spat. 

"That is the question," Jorge said. "My men want to sell you back to WCKD. Life has taught them to think small, I'm not like that. Something tells me you're not either." 

"Is the blood rushing through my head, or is this Shank not making any sense?" Minho said. 

"Tell me what you know about the Right Arm," Jorge demanded, glaring at Thomas. 

"I thought you said they were ghosts," Newt pointed out. 

"I happen to believe in ghosts," Jorge said. "Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves. You tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal." 

"We don't know much," Thomas admitted. 

Jorge pulled the lever next to him. It caused the Gladers to fall through the air for a second before coming to a sudden stop. Everyone let out cries of shock and breathed heavy until their heart rates slowed down. Newt turned his head to check on Claire, who was hanging right behind him. She nodded her head, telling him she was okay. 

"Okay, alright!" Thomas said. "They're hiding in the mountains, they attacked WCKD and got out a bunch of kids. That's it, that's all we know." 

For a moment, Jorge's hard expression softened and he looked more thoughtful. His eyes moved around rapidly as if he were trying to fit pieces of a puzzle together. Jorge opened his mouth to speak. 

"Yo, Jorge," Barkly interrupted as he came into the room. "What's going on here?" 

"Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted," Jorge answered, his hardened look returning. "We're done now." He turned and began to leave the room. 

"Wait!" Thomas called after him. "You're not gonna help us?" 

"Don't worry, harmono, we'll get you back to where you belong, Hang tight," Jorge said as he swaggered out of the room. 

Barkly glared at the kids before he left the room too. 

"Well that went well," Minho remarked. 

"You got any better ideas?" Thomas replied. "Because I would love to hear them." 

"Listen you-" 

"Guys enough!" Teresa snapped. "You can bicker later. I, for one, would like to figure out a way to get down from here." 

"Okay, you're right, Teresa," Thomas said. "Maybe we can swing over and reach the edge. Once we're on solid ground we can untie ourselves" 

"The ropes aren't long enough," Newt pointed out. "Even if you could reach the edge half of you would still be hanging off, and I don't think some of us in the middle would even reach that far." 

"Hey, Teresa, if you swing over, do you think you could reach the lever?" Claire asked. 

"I think so, why?" 

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