Chapter Thirty-Six

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Just as the sky was turning dark, Claire heard the first helicopter. 

"Guys," she said. 

As the group turned to look up at the sky they saw two helicopters approaching the camp site. One fired a missile, and before they knew it, part of the camp was engulfed in flames. 

"Oh shit!" Newt exclaimed, holding Claire's hadn't tighter. 

The people below sprang into action, most grabbing weapons. Others ran, trying to get out of danger as WCKD soldiers were lowered onto the ground. When the soldiers fired their weapons, the bullets didn't kill the targets, merely stunned them. Clearly their intention was to capture as many as they could. 

"Come on," Minho urged the group, realizing that they were sitting ducks. 

They raced down the hill, trying to avoid the soldiers' attention. 


The teens turned and saw two soldiers pointing their weapons at them. 

"Get down," Minho told his friends as he took out the gun Newt got from Dog. 

Frypan, Newt and Claire ducked behind a large rock while Minho fired at the soldiers. Somehow he'd managed to hit one. But after a few shots, the gun ran out of bullets, and one soldier was still standing. 

"Shit," Minho muttered. 

Just then the soldier cried out in pain as he was hit with a bullet. Minho turned and saw Sonya leading a small group of fighters toward them. 

"Go!" she said. 

"Come on," Minho said, pulling his friends from their hiding spot, and the four teens then sprinted in the other direction. 

"Where's Thomas?" Frypan asked as they hid behind some barrels. 

"I don't know," Newt said. The last they saw of Thomas was when he went to got talk to Teresa. Hopefully the two of them were in a safer position than they were right now. 

"Guys, look," Minho said, pointing ahead of them. They saw Vince and Harriet near the back of a pick up truck. Vince was loading up a large weapon while Harriet was trying to cover him. 

"What do we do?" Frypan asked. 

"We have to help," Minho said. 

"Wait," Newt cut in before anyone could move. "Claire, you need to hide." 


"Hide, save yourself," Newt said. 

"No, I'm not leaving you guys," she insisted. 

"One of us has to make it out of here, maybe find where Thomas is," Newt explained. "Claire, you're the best at sneaking around, you have the best chance." 

"He's right, Claire, you should go," Minho said. "At least one of us needs to make it out of here." 

"Go on, Clary," Frypan agreed. 

Newt kissed her, quickly and with as much passion as he could muster. 

"Please," he begged. 

It was Newt's plea that finally broke her. 

"Be careful," she said. 

Going against every fiber in her being, Claire turned and disappeared into the shadows. 

Not giving himself time to wonder if this was a mistake, Newt followed Minho and Frypan over to where Vince and Harriet were. 

"What can we do to help?" Minho asked Harriet. 

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