Chapter Eight

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Present Day 

Lunchtime passed, Minho and Alby still hadn't returned. A brief rainstorm passed, still no sign of them. Still, everyone did their best to stay calm, kept reassuring themselves that everything would be okay. Alby and Minho were among the first Gladers and knew what they were doing. Minho knew the Maze better than anyone. If anyone can make it back, it's them. The only person who seemed really worried was Thomas, who kept asking Newt when they would be back. 

It wasn't until it was almost sundown that everyone else really began to worry. 

The Gladers were all standing in silence by the open Doors waiting for something to happen, for Minho and Alby to appear at any moment. Thomas was standing at the front of the group with Chuck and Newt on either side of him. Newt did his best to remain calm for the sake of everyone else. The only person who really caught glimpses of his fear and worry was Claire, who was standing beside him. 

Eventually it was Thomas who broke the silence. "Come on guys, can't we send someone after them?" 

"It's against the rules, they either make it back if they don't," Gally replied. 


"He's right," Newt cut in. "We can't risk losing anyone else." 

Shortly after the Gladers fell into another moment of silence before a loud gust of wind came from the Maze. Followed by the Doors beginning to move. Alby and Minho were still nowhere in sight. 

"Oh no," Chuck said. 

Newt felt his stomach drop, he could barely hear anything over the pounding of his own heart. He barely even registered that he was now holding Claire's hand. He had no idea who took who's hand first, but that didn't matter, it was the only thing keeping him somewhat steady. 

"Look," Thomas said, pointing down the corridor. 

Alby and Minho came into view, a few people even cheered. 

"Wait no, something's wrong," Newt said. 

Minho was struggling to carry Alby on his back. A second later he gave up, placed Alby on the ground and started dragging him across the ground by the feet. 

"Come on, Minho, you can do it!" Chuck yelled. 

The other boys followed Chuck's example and began to shout words of encouragement. 

"Come on, you can make it!" Zart shouted. 

"Minho, you gotta leave him!" Gally yelled. 

"They're not gonna make it," Newt said, squeezing Claire's hand. 

Minho continued to drag Alby toward the closing Doors. 

Thomas looked around. All the Gladers were shouting, as if trying to will Minho and Alby to make it. Newt and Claire were the only ones watching in silence. It was clear that Minho and Alby weren't going to make it, but no one was going to do anything. 

Suddenly Thomas felt like something woke up inside of him. He didn't think, he just took action. He sprinted through the closing doors. 

"Thomas, no!" Chuck shouted. 

Newt reached with his free hand to stop the Greenie, but he was just a second too late. 

"Thomas!" Claire yelled. 

Thomas made it through just as the Doors closed. A second later and he would have been crushed. Once again the Gladers were left in a state of silence. Three boys were now lost to the Maze. Two veterans and a Greenie gone. 

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