Chapter Thirty-Five

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Thomas woke from a well-deserved nap. 

As he glanced at the still-sleeping Brenda in the cot next to him, he thought about what Mary said, how Brenda couldn't come with them. He understood that the Right Arm wanted to keep the Safe Haven Crank-free, but it still didn't seem fair for Brenda to come all this way only to be denied paradise for something that wasn't even her fault. Thomas would feel guilty leaving her behind, given everything they'd been through, but he had to stick with the Gladers, and they would never pass up the chance to go to the Safe Haven. 

As he put on his jacket, Thomas spotted something sticking out of Brenda's pocket. He picked it up and saw that it was a small, square shaped locket missing its chain. It was the thing Brenda had gone back for when they were fleeing Jorge's place. The thing that Brenda thought was worth risking her life over. Thomas opened the locket and saw a picture of a young boy that looked about Chuck's age. 

"He was my brother." 

Thomas flinched, having been caught snooping. But Brenda didn't seem angry or upset. 

"I'm sorry, are you okay? How are you feeling?" Thomas asked. 

"You remind me of him," she said, looking longingly at the picture. "He always saw the best in people." 

"Where is he now?" 

"I don't know," Brenda admitted as a sad look passed over her face. "When we were kids we were taken in my one of WCKD's camps. They gave us a bunch of tests. They didn't want me, they wanted him though. They didn't even let me say good-bye." 

"What was his name?" 


Thomas took out the small wooden figure that was in his pocket, he handed it over to Brenda for her to have a look. 

"That was Chuck's." 

"How did he die?" she asked. 

"Saving my life." 

Brenda smiled, though there was a hint of sadness as memories of happier times with her brother surfaced. In that moment, Thomas and Brenda felt an understanding toward each other. They were just two people who had lost someone important to them and were just now trying to survive all the craziness thrown at them. 

"Get some rest," Thomas said, rubbing her arm before leaving the tent. 

It was then that Thomas realized Brenda was a real friend. In the short time he'd known her, they'd opened up about their past and risked life and limb for each other. It was a bond that couldn't easily be forgotten. 

And it hurt that he would have to leave her and Jorge behind. 


Thomas found Minho and Frypan sitting on a small rocky cliff looking over the camp site. 

"About time you joined us you ugly shank," Minho said. 

"Good to see you too," Thomas replied. "Where's everyone else?" 

"Aris is with Harriet and Sonya," Frypan answered. "Claire and Newt went off somewhere to be alone." 

"Speaking of the two lovebirds," Minho said, having seen Newt and Claire walking toward them, hand in hand. "Looks like they finally decides to grace us with their presence." 

"Shut it," Claire said as she and Newt sat down. 

"You two decided to take a break from kissing each other and come hang with us, I feel honored," Minho said. Frypan and Thomas both laughed. 

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