Chapter Forty-Five

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Present Day

"I'm impressed," Jorge said. "You guys almost lasted a whole day.

Brenda turned around and looked at Thomas. Her expression said something along the lines of "why did you leave without telling us you shucking, idiot?"

"I...I'm sorry," Thomas said. "I didn't want to bring you guys into this."

Brenda raised her eyebrow.

"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us," Frypan interjected.

"You're welcome," Brenda replied, turning back around.

"Hey don't get your hopes up," Jorge told the group. "That check point back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are that the city is too."

"Unless they figured out another way to keep the Cranks out," Tony said, looking out into the distance.

Jorge turned and stopped the car once he'd spotted what Tony had seen. At the bottom of the mountain was a large valley, and in the center was a city. The city looked so alien next to the scorched wasteland around it. The buildings were tall, clean and shined in the afternoon sun. The only thing that separated the city from the ruined buildings around it were the giant walls.

"Funny," Newt commented. "We spent three years trapped behind walls trying to break out, now we wanna break back in."

"Yeah, it's hilarious," Frypan said.

"Jorge, how do we get in?" Thomas asked.

"Don't look at me, hermano, those walls are new."

"Guess that's WCKD's answer for everything," Tony added.

There was a moment where no one said anything. The enormity of what they were trying to do suddenly weighed down on all of them. WCKD seemed to have limitless resources at their finger tips, they could build walls and had a powerful army. Meanwhile, Thomas and his friends were a ragtag group of six with a few guns.

"Well we ain't gonna figure out a way in from up here," Brenda said. "Let's go."

Thomas lingered for a moment while everyone else climbed back into the truck. Newt walked over to join him.

"You really think they're in there?" Newt asked.

"I guess we'll find out."

Thomas knew this could be a long shot. His theory could be completely wrong, for all he knew, Minho and Claire were on the other side of the country. But this was the best chance they had.

"You know she's gonna be there too," Newt said.

Thomas didn't respond, he also didn't have to be a genius to know who Newt was talking about.


Teresa focused on the sound of her hells clicking against the tile floor as she walked down the hallway. It was the only way she could keep her nerves under control. She glanced down at the floor, ignoring all the other people passing by her until she heard Ava Paige's voice. The chancellor was speaking with two people who must have been sponsors, but excused herself once she saw Teresa. The two women then made their way to the Board meeting.

They were the first to get to the meeting room. A moment later, three board members, two men and one woman came in and took their seats.

Teresa looked over herself again for the hundredth time, as if she were afraid her outfit had somehow changed during the walk over here. But no, she was still wearing the same maroon business dress and blue blazer she put on. Her hair was still up in a bun. She resisted her urge to touch the gold necklace she was wearing, a nervous habit she'd developed over past few months. She took another deep breath as Dr. Paige stood at the front of the room in front of the Board. The first part of Teresa's job was easy, all she had to do was stand in the back and observe. So far, Dr. Paige was handling everything, but any moment Teresa might be needed to intervene.

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