Chapter Twelve

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After they left Thomas and the girl alone, Newt and Claire went back to the infirmary to check on Alby. Zart, thankfully, took charge of all the field work, so that was one less thing Newt had to worry about. 

There were probably an endless amount of things Newt could be doing right now. He should be out there taking charge, giving the image of a strong leader, the way Alby had always done. 

But the truth was he really needed Claire in that moment. With her he felt more grounded, which was something he really needed now that one of his best friends was slowly succumbing to the Changing. 

"I'm scared," Claire whispered so quietly Newt almost didn't hear her. 

"Come here," Newt said, motioning her to sit down next to him on the cot next to Alby. 

Claire sat down and rested her head on his shoulder. Ever since she came to the Glade, Newt had been the one she felt the safest with, someone she could be vulnerable with. He was her best friend and probably the most important person in her life. 

"Do you think Alby's gonna be okay?" she asked. 

"I hope so," Newt said. "The Glade might fall apart with me as leader." 

"Shut up, you're a great leader. You're the reason everyone's stuck together." 

"You are as well," Newt said. "That's why I want you to be my Second." 

"You really trust me to be your Second?" 

"Of course." 

Claire didn't know what to say, all she knew was that Newt's confidence in her meant more to her than anything. She timidly took his hand and he squeezed back. 

Newt felt like his heart skipped a beat. He realized that he didn't want to leave the position they were in. He wanted to ignore all his responsibilities and just steal more alone time with Claire. They could talk, climb a tree, or just sit here like they were now. No matter what it was it would be amazing as long as it was with her. 

Then Thomas came in the room, followed by Clint, Jeff and the girl. Newt and Claire stood up, letting go of each other's hands. 

"Are you planning on throwing anymore rocks at us?" Newt asked the girl. 

"Not as long as you boys behave yourselves." 

Claire was trying really hard not to laugh. 

"Claire, Newt, this is Teresa," Thomas said. 

"Is there anything you can tell us, Teresa?" Newt asked. "Any memories or clues?" 

"Came up without my memories, same as you guys," Teresa answered. "I don't know anything about who put us here or why, but they did give me this." 

Teresa took out one of the vials and handed it to Newt. 

"What is that?" Claire asked. 

"We think it might be medicine," Thomas replied. 

"And you want to inject Alby with this?" Newt said. 

"Why wouldn't we." 

"Well, for starters, we don't even know what this stuff is," Newt said. "We don't know who sent it, or why it came up with Teresa. I mean, for all we know this thing could kill him." 

"Newt, he's already dying," Thomas argued. "Look at him; how could this possibly make make it any worse?" 

Newt looked down at his friend. Alby's breathing had become much more rapid, blue viens were visible along his body. His face expressing that he was in extreme pain. 

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