"What... what the- I just killed you!" He yelled out. You rolled your eyes.

"Next time you try to pull something like that, I'd like to keep my neck intact." You told him. He growled in frustration, standing up to face. You smiled, putting your hands in your pocket as you walked towards Kuziato. He summoned his stand in defense, which drew a rope off of it's neck.

"Now, I'm not the most analytical person I know, but that stand is definitely a bit difficult to understand." You told him. He started to sweat as he stepped back, feeling the oppressive heat start to increase.

"If I had to guess, I would say that something determines what your stand produces from it's body, which it then uses to attack?" You asked. Kuziato didn't respond. Typical edgy guy.

"It doesn't matter what it does, Skin will stand on top!" He yelled out. You raised a brow. The dark clothes mostly covering him, the scars, the tendency to kill....

"Are you a mercenary?" You asked.

"So what if I am!?" Kuziato burst out, still shocked from your revival.

"How the hell are you alive!?" He demanded, Skin slowly approaching you. You let it approach, and when it got within range, you pulled a quick gimmick.

By activating Novocain, smashing the stand's hand, and deactivating, you made it look like Kuziato's Hans spontaneously combusted.

"Cuz I decided not to die." You replies simply. Kuziato growled, grinding his teeth as Skin drew a knife from it's shoulder, using it's broken hand, much to your surprise, and lunging at Requiem.

Blood burst from your shoulder as pain flashed through your body. You staggered backwards, as Ram quickly sent another attack towards Kuziato.

More cuts opened on him as he knelt, now suffering more than he probably should. A radiation powered punch to his stomach definitely would've gotten him sick, plus all those cuts from Ram randomly attacking made for a bad day for this guy.

"Alright, Kuziato, was it?" You asked him. Fall Out Boy punched its open palm, letting off blasts of light as you looked down on Kuziato, blood still leaking from your shoulder wound.

"Who hired you?" You asked him. The response was a dagger stabbed into your leg.

You sneered, stepping back, as Kuziato stood up again, Skin drawing an arrow off it's stomach. You squinted, curious about this fight. It was less a fight and more of a one sided discussion. But this stand was definitely interesting. You placed a hand on your calf, over the dagger wound, grabbing a wooden chair. Your hand glowed, and when you drew it back, both leg and shoulder were healed. Kuziato didn't seem to like that.

"What the hell is this! I was told you only had the power of heat!" He complained. You sighed.

"Good grief. I assure you, Heat is a close description of my power, but not all of it." You told him, preparing for another exchange of blows. You had the clear advantage here again, with you capable of healing against all of his attacks, and him already not looking so good.

"No... no!" Kuziato yelled. Just like that, you almost fell over, an arrow in your side.

What the- You pulled out the arrow, tossing it aside before looking at the stand. How did it work? You sighed.

"Listen, Koozoo-"


"Sure, Kuziato, this can go one of two ways. You tell us where your employer is, and live, or I give you a very painful death." You assured him. His eyes widened as he looked at you.

"No, you wouldn't kill som-"

"Why don't you ask Wakreru and Riyo, the last two I had to fight personally? Or Amaya, who tried to run only to get killed for her failure? How about Joseph Kalakami?" You asked him, silencing him. When he didn't answer, you pointed away.

"You'll find Riyo's charred remains over by the plaza just south of here, Amaya in one of the backstreets, and Wakreru over in the Mather's Domain, not that you'll ever see it and live." Kuziato started to breath heavily, realizing the severity of his situation.

"I... I... no, they wouldn't send me on a suicide mission! No, nonononono-"

"How about you shut up and make your choice?" You interrupted. Kuziato looked towards you, and his stand pulled a sword from it's forearm.

"Oh for god's sake." You sighed as Kuziato charged at you, ignoring his broken hand, before muttering.

"Novocain." Time slowed down, and you stepped forward, towards Kuziato. He started to react to your movement, but not before you took action.

You grabbed his face, Fall Out Boy doing the same with Skin, as time fast forwarded, back to its original flow.

"Wha-" He was silenced by a single blast of radiation through his skull, knocking him out. Not killing him, but giving him the worst nausea and headache ever when he eventually woke up again.

"It was a futile attempt." You said to yourself, dropping the unconscious enemy. You turned back towards Ram, who sighed in relief, seeing you Alright.

You walked towards her, as she embraced you in a hug, burying her face in your chest.

"Please don't die again." Ram whispered, gripping your sweatshirt. You nodded, rubbing her back.

"Yup. I'll try not to." You looked at Subaru. Both of you knew that between everything that had happened over the past few months, you had a lot more dying in store for both of you.

You separated from Ram, who gripped your hand as you looked around. People started to ignore you all again, likely passing off the strange twist of events as some effed up bar fight.

"Okay guys, I think it's time we leave now." You said, looking at the destroyed tables. Subaru nodded, picking up Scarlet, who was still unconscious, before wincing.

"Ow, Ow ow." He held his back, almost dropping the female. You sighed and walked over, picking up a stray chair leg.

There was a deep gash on his back, by some kind of knife, before you healed him. It wasn't quick, using it on someone else's wounds, but it wasn't too slow.

"Y/n, over there." Ram called you. You looked over to her, and where she was pointing.

In the entrance to one of the alleyways, stood a little boy. From this distance, he looked similar to that kid with the stand, but what really gave it away... was the stand. Behind the young man stood another figure, pure white, resembling a monk. Like the knight, which had green trimming, this one had blue. You squinted. This couldn't be the same kid. It was a different stand. Ram stepped towards the kid.

"I saw something appear, but it might've just been me. Is there a stand, Y/n?" She asked. You nodded, and almost as if driven by instinct, the boy turned his head, looking you straight in the eyes.

You both knew what was coming, and both of you were ready.

Guys, before I finish the chapter, I want to hear your opinions on something. It has recently come to my attention that people believe that Stand Arrows and Requiem Arrows are different things. I can see why, but the show explicitly states that they are the same. What is your take on it, and why? That's all I want to know, so you all have a great day!


~1849 Words

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