Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 8

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Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story}

Chapter 8

“WHAT IS THIS?!” I screamed at Aiden with such force that he took a step back. “EVICTION NOTICE?! I swear, I can't leave you boys for five seconds, you would think I was your freaking mother—“

“Darcy,” he said in a low voice. “Calm down—“

“CALM DOWN?! Aiden, I haven't even slept in my own bed for months, and now I can't even get in to my own apartment. And what about Cupcake? Oh my God, THEY HAVE MY BABY...”

“Noah and Jacob have Cupcake, Darce. I guess the super took advantage of the fact we were all gone and evicted us. Don't worry, we'll get the place back.”

“What. Did. You. Do.,” I said through clenched teeth. “What did you do to get us evicted in the first place??”

“Don't worry about it. We're taking care of it.”

“Do. Not. Stall.,” I said through my teeth.

He kept hedging, and I nearly punched him in the mouth. “The more imminent issue,” he said nonchalantly, as if purposely pissing me off, “is where we're all going to stay tonight. Do you have money for a hotel? Didn't think so.”

I sighed, because even though I didn't want to admit it he was right. I didn't get paid for my movie until after its release, and even then, I was a newcomer so I didn't get paid near as much as, say, Kristen Stewart or something.

“To each his own,” I mumbled, still so pissed that there was no way I was going to help Aiden find a place, let alone any place, let alone any place that I was staying.

“Don't be mad, Darce,” he said in a last attempt.

“Don't be mad?” I repeated incredulously. “Aiden. I can't even get my stuff. All I have right now are the clothes on my back.”

“So we'll call the landlord. They at least have to let us get our stuff.”

“You do that.” I turned around and started to walk off. First I was going to find the twins and get my baby. Then I was going to find some place to stay. Or maybe I could do that on my way to find Cupcake.

I called Jacob and found out they were at the park walking the trail. I told them to stay put and then I dialed Eli. No answer. I sighed. I'd have to resort to texting.

Hey, I know this is a huge favor, but do you think your fam would mind if I took the guest bed tonight?

Eli and his best friend were vacationing in Europe for a few days—I was going to tag along, but I had to stay put in LA at the moment—and it would be awkward staying in his house with his family without him there. I didn't have any problems with his fam and vice versa, but even when I was at his place I rarely even spoke to them unless we were all eating together or something.

It was hot outside and I was really sweaty by the time I made it to the park. Noah and Jacob were more than thrilled to hand my baby over since she wouldn't stop barking at all the other dogs.

“Do you guys have a place to stay tonight?” I asked, hopeful. Maybe I could tag along...

“I'll just call my girlfriend's brother,” Noah said, already pulling out his phone. Well lucky him.

“I'll find something by tonight,” Jacob shrugged. A lot of help he was.

I sighed. I really needed more friends in Hollywood. That were not constantly traveling. Good luck with that one, Darce.

Absolutely everyone in Hollywood would be some place or another, anywhere but home.

I thought about calling Chey's new “friend” Damien, but I barely knew him; for all I knew he could be a crazy stalker Criminal Minds rapist and killer if I stayed in his house.

“Well, peace out guys.” I picked up Cupcake; I'd figured she'd already walked enough, and I didn't want her to get too hot and collapse.

Suddenly it came to me. Someone whose job was always right here in LA.


I knocked on the door. I hadn't bothered calling or texting because I figured I had a better chance of not being turned away if I just showed up out of the blue all homeless with my dog and absolutely no where to go. Again, I really needed more friends in the Hollywood Circle. Or at least decent roommates.

I couldn't pay for a hotel, and I sure couldn't pay for a kennel, so Cupcake would have to go with me wherever I went. Plus, I'd been without my baby long enough, I wouldn't have taken her to a kennel anyway. But it was going to be bad because she did not get along at all with any other animals; she always had to be the alpha girl.

Shane finally opened the door. His dirty blonde hair was messy as if he'd just woken up, and he was wearing his infamous burgundy Titanic shirt.

“Hey, Darcy,” it was almost a question, like he was confused. I didn't blame him; I'd basically just left and then just come back with no warning.

“Can we come in?” I asked, shifting so Cupcake wouldn't be so heavy; she was fat for a little thing.

“Sure,” Shane said, like a question once again, stepping aside to make room in the doorway. He looked so cute all disoriented and confused. Wait... what? No. No no no no.

“What's up?” Shane asked, shutting the door behind me. I let Cupcake down, who immediately tried attacking poor Miley and Chocolate, Shane's dogs, who were both sleeping on the couch. They seemed merely annoyed by her.

I drew in a deep breath. “Here's the thing. I need a huge favor...”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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