Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 6

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Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story}

Chapter 6

I was so worn out from putting in basically 24 hour days. When I wasn't filming I was looking over the script or my character development or running lines. I was rarely at my apartment anymore. I was something of an insomniac even when I wasn't working and could sleep, but instead of sleeping I filled that time with my friends. Eli was back in LA where I was fortunately shooting, until his next role, which was filming both in New York and in Europe again and consequently began on my last day of filming, so he was constantly visiting me in set (no one would shut up about "how cute" we were, and even though it was annoying I couldn't argue; we were totally cute together and I knew it) and when I wasn't with Eli I was on the phone with Aiden, Chey, or some other friend. Shane even talked to me a few times; he was really nice, and I never had time to check on his videos anymore, so he being my friend was a very good compensation.

It was the last day of filming, and for all my complaining I was really sad; these people were my family now. After I finished my final scenes and went to hug everyone goodbye, even the camera men--this WAS my first movie, and I was grateful to everyone, plus, they had probably the hardest job of all--there were many tears.

I was excited to get back to my home and see my boys, and Cupcake, my baby, I missed her so dearly.

I knew this homecoming would be short-lived, but I pushed that o the back of my mind; even though this movie was nowhere near coming out, I was apparently the next big thing and had already booked my next starring role: some gothic romance, which sounded exciting and right up my personal preference alley.

During my first movie I had the fleeting thought of going to college and getting more of a degree, but then I reminded myself that was another sacrifice I knew I'd be making when I pursued this life.

I texted Eli the whole ride home as he was flying miles away from me again.

Then I texted Shane.

Hey, I only got like 3 days of freedom so if you're still up for a vid...

I didn't get a reply from him until I was out of the car and walking up to my apartment. Just come over whenever you can. And he gave me his address.

Thanks, I was kidding about the vid, I just needed to know where to stalk you JK :p

Shane replied: Creeper xp

Haha you love it :)

*wails* noooo I'm not ready to lose my virginity yet!!! :D He joked. I cracked up.

I wasn't flirting with him, God no—even though, you know, the winky face turns ANY conversation sexual. This was how I acted around all my guy friends I was close to. If they mistook my friendly personality for flirting, then that was just because boys are dumb (they do make better friends than girls though, who are only good for D-R-A-M-A). You wanted flirting from me, put me around Eli. I only actually flirted when I was single and saw something I liked. Yes, I was a virgin in every sense, I didn't do the whole "technical" virgin thing, I just didn't do anything, but I didn't have a problem with, say, making out with a friend I thought was hot (except Aiden and the guys. They were gorgeous, but they were my brothers in every way except birth, so that thought was sickening).

Shane knew I was a fellow virgin. It was a random conversation we had on the phone one night when I'd actually had a break. He mentioned my purity ring and it went from there.

“Hey,” Shane had said. “I forgot to ask. I saw you wearing a purity ring that night at the movies...”

“I don't like calling it a 'purity ring'. That sounds too flashy. For me it's just a reminder of the promise I made to save myself for marriage. I call it a true love waits ring. But yeah, still a virgin. At this point I might as well be a nun,” I'd joked.

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