Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 7

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Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story}

Chapter 7

“We're going to get in SO much trouble,” I whined to Chey. She'd had the BRILLIANT idea of waiting behind a studio where auditions were taking place to find her a hot actor "boyfriend". Being actors we both had this kind of information.

"If we get arrested for stalking," I continued, "my career is OVER. And your career hasn't even started yet!" "Chill, would you! It's not like we're not actresses. We can just say we got lost trying to find the entrance to the auditions or something." "Yeah, they'll believe that," I mumbled. "When is this flight you have to catch again?" "I have plenty of time," she said evasively.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"They're coming out!!" she whisper squealed.We both peeked around the brick side of the studio. A plethora of actors and actresses were coming out of it.

“Let's blend,” Chey said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the crowd. I had no choice but to follow along; my best friend could be very persuasive. No matter how much I wanted to get out to Shane's.

Chey was frantically looking through the crowd of actors for “the perfect guy”. (Honestly, I think it was not just about finding the “perfect guy” for the video, but also a boyfriend hunt, though I would never voice this.) In fact, she was so intent on blending, she bumped us into someone. Who just so happened to be the perfect guy. How cliché.He had black hair that hung into his heavily black-lined green eyes. He looked more like he belonged in a rock band than some acting role he probably wouldn't get. The lip piercing was what got me. I stared and stared, elbowing Chey continuously, trying to get her to look.

“Sorry,” Chey said, but she still hadn't looked up at him, she was crazy, looking all around everywhere else with this guy right in front of her face. Maybe she could go on the date with Shane in the video and I could get this guy...

“You're good,” he said, and I could not believe his voice. He had an Irish accent. As I knew it would, that caught Chey's attention.

“Helll-looo,” she drawled, trying to bat her eyelashes, but it looked like something was just irritating her eyes, she was blinking so much. I should probably take control here, but I was still just staring. “I'm Chey.”

“Damien,” he replied, and instead of shaking her hand like we both expected him to he bent down and kissed the top of it. I knew Chey was officially a goner. I would have been too in her shoes, if I didn't already have a boyfriend. Bloody Irish charm.

“Damien,” she repeated dreamily. He was still holding on to her hand, watching her with amusement. I nudged her hard: back to the task at hand.

“You're an actor?” I finally asked when it was clear she wouldn't. Damien raised an eyebrow and nodded.

Chey finally shook it off. “We're making a video; you perfectly fit the bill for a character we need.” I elbowed her again. Perfectly was unnecessary. He looked skeptical. I couldn't blame him. We were, after all, two crazy girls hiding out behind a studio where there was a casting call. We could be stalker paparazzi rapists for all he knew.

“Look, we'll pay you,” I said. Chey shot me a look. That wasn't exactly in our budget. But Shane probably paid his actors (the ones who weren't close friends or, like, Jerid, his brother) to be in his videos all the time. Maybe I could arrange something with him... If not I had some money of my own that I just got paid from my movie...

Damien's green eyes sparkled. I could hear Chey mumbling, “Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes,” under her breath, but this time I didn't nudge her.

He suddenly smiled. “Okay. I'll do it.”


We spent the day at Shane's, reading through, memorizing, and rehearsing the script he wrote. We were set to film the day Chey got back from Texas, which was four days away, so we had to get it all down with her now while we could. We had to wait a bit when we first arrived because Shane had not been expecting Damien, so he had to more or less rewrite the script (I had already texted him about Chey, so he already reworked it a little before the next surprise).

Shane was apparently used to this kind of stuff though, so it didn't take him too long.

“This is gonna be fantastic!” Chey said, once we had rehearsed all day to the point of exhaustion and overkill. Then again, you never could get too much practice, not that we couldn't re-film a scene if someone messed up.

She turned back to Damien and continued making the googly eyes she'd been giving him since he came here with us. I looked over at Shane and rolled my eyes. He smiled knowingly.

Chey must have actually broken concentration for a second and seen that interaction because she said, “So, Shane. Do you have a girlfriend?”

I rolled my eyes again. “Here we go.”

“Nope,” he replied, which shocked me and I looked over at him, confused. I mean, one second he was dating Lisa, the next Nadine; his love life was giving me whiplash, and I categorized him as fickle in my mind. Seriously. “I mean, I go on dates, but as for like a girlfriend girlfriend...”

“Whoa,” I said. “Hold up. What happened with Nadine? Or Lisa? Or whichever you were dating the last time we talked.”

“I never dated Nadine,” he said, and I interjected with, “Sure.”

He mock-glared at me. “I mean, maybe I went on a few fucking dates with her, but she was never my girlfriend. And Lisa was, but we broke up a while back. Sometimes we still go out though, mostly as good friends.”

“'Fucking dates',” I quoted. “I see what you did there.”

“Jesus Christ, Darcy,” he said, punching me lightly on the arm.

“Hey, I was just joking. You left me no choice. Plus, it could have been worse. I could have said, 'That's what she said'.”

“Okay, okay,” Chey interrupted us. “I, for one, have a flight to catch.”

“Yeah, I should probably get back too.” I stretched and stood up from the floor. “My boys have gone way too long without their mom. I'm surprised they didn't die from having to take care of their own lazy asses.”

Chey cracked up. “I swear to God, I don't know why you do so much for them. They're grown freaking men.”

I just shrugged. Damien had a super confused look on his face, and Shane laughed. “Darcy lives with her bandmates,” he explained.

“Thank you, Mr. Know-It-All,” I joked. “And now I must be off. The sons await.”


I couldn't wait to get in my own freaking bed and fall right to sleep. It had been far, far too long.

Before I even got to the apartment door, I began searching in my bag for my keys, which I knew was dangerous, but I was so anxious to be home again.

When I got to our number, Aiden was standing in front of it. “Hey, did you get locked out?”

For once he didn't say a word, just handed me a piece of paper.

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