Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story♥} Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I was so over my celebrity crush on Shane Dawson.

You know, you love fawning over these guys that you see in bands or in movies or on tv, but that rush goes away after actually meet them. You might think I'm lying about that, but trust me, it is so true. Unless, you know, you actually do start dating said famous person, but I'm talking about the unattainable ones that even though you've met them you still know you have no shot with them. That ruins everything.

That being said, I'm not gonna lie and say I wasn't staring at my phone waiting for a phone call from Shane; it was still my uber dream to be in a video with him. I was simply following what he said in his video “How To Get 'BIG' on YouTube”, collaborating with a huge YouTuber. He still seemed like the great person I thought he was, but celebrity crushes were only fun from afar; once the fantasy of meeting said crush was fulfilled, the thrill was gone.

My phone buzzed, rattling up and down on the wood table. I jumped.

"Hello?" I answered breathlessly, fully expecting Shane on the other end; it had been three days since we met, and after the movie he'd said he would call me or text me on Monday. Here was Monday... I hadn't even glanced at the readout to see if it was him calling.

"If it isn't my little movie star," my agent said.

"Oh, hey," I sighed. "Wait," I caught what he had said, "what?"

"They want you to come in and read for a part today," he said, "but it's pretty much a done deal. You're set to star in your first movie, doll!"

I couldn't believe it. This was so much greater than the call I had been expecting. Okay, maybe about equal in my eyes, but it should have been greater to me. Both starring in a movie and being in a sketch with Shane Dawson were about equal, I told myself.

"I don't have to audition or anything?" I asked, skeptical.

"That's what the reading's for. I mean, they're 99.9% sure they want you. They're casting mostly unknowns. Technically you're known because of your boyfriend, but in the acting world you're an unknown."

I couldn't believe this. My first starring role! Along with the record deal Bloody September was basically set to get, I was about to make it big.

"I'll send the script and address information over to you. 1:00. Don't be late. You'll have to come in every day for over a month."

"Thanks!" I was so excited I didn't know what else to say. I hung up before he could get out any more information.

I hung up the phone and automatically pondered who to call first: Eli or Chey?

Before I even had a chance Aiden poked his head in the door. I was the only one in our apartment with a room all to myself; then again, I was the only girl in this testosterone pit. "Was that Shane?" he asked. "Are you going to go make the video?"

"Better." I jumped up and down. "That was my agent. I got a role!"

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