Tick Tock

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Your P.O.V

You're awake from your bed and have taken a breakfast. You decide to go outside and take a fresh air.

You see the ninjas are outside. “What are you guys doing?” you ask.

“Zane is under water.” Cole tell you. “Zane broke the record! He is inhumanity!!” Kai exclaimed.

“Ten minutes!” Cole exclaimed.

You sigh. You look down and see Zane going up to catch his breath.

“Did I make make a new record?” Zane asked.

“You break it!!” Kai said.

The ninjas start to talk about their complishment to each other showing off.

You go to near the edge of the bounty. You sit down and take out your book to read. A small instruction about the world and the amulet.

Wu walk out. “Sensei, how does it look like if we reach our true potentional—” Zane look at Wu and bow down.

“I'm sorry Sensei.” Zane said so as the others.

Wu sighed “I'm sorry I've been so distant.” Wu said.

“I'm going to set my journey alone.” Wu declared.

They all look at sensei while you still read the book.


“Somewhere you can't go.” Wu said.


As they arrived at the mountain, they dropped off Wu.

They all decide to go to Jumankai village. They paste all the flyers about Lloyd gone missing.

Suddenly they see the same bird. The crow. Zane dropped all the flyers. The owner of the shop come out scolding at Zane but Zane doesn't care.

The other ninjas go over to Zane and apologised to the owner. “I'm so sorry sir, my friend sometime always in his own world.” Kai apologised.

“Just pick up the flyers!!” the man said and shut the door going inside his house.

“(Y/n).. You're not helping..” hissed Kai.

You sighed and walk over to them trying to find the flyers as you're focused to the book you're holding.

“Uhm, that's the floor.” Kai said.

You sigh and put down the book to carry the flyer. “Zane, what's wrong?” Cole asked concerned.

“It's the bird again! Every time it shows up, it always lead us to something big!” Jay said pointing at the bird.

The bird fly away and they all follow the bird, lefting you and the flyers.

You grunt then sigh. “Wait up!” you shout left the flyers and run after the ninjas.



Bigger mountains.

One by one, the ninjas start to feel exhausted. You start to feel tired but ignore it until you and Zane reach the top.

Zane open the door. A long round stair is around the tower.

You both walk inside the tower and found some sketch of Zane.

Zane look at the sketch then gasp as he drop the paper to the ground.

You pat Zane in his back trying to ressuring him. “It's okay Zane, even if you're a robot, you're still the same Zane I know.” you said.

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