
Yang was on top of me.  As I tried to get her off me, I felt my hand squish something soft.

Yang:(moaning) aahhh~.

I was confused at this reaction from Yang.

Yang:(whispering) Touma not in front of everyone. If you wanted me, you could of asked.

I quickly get out from under Yang, after realizing what my hand was touching.

Touma: I'm sorry!

Yang:(giggles). It's okay. But next let's do it in private~.

Glynda: Do what in private?

I looked back to see Glynda, Ruby, Weiss and Blake glaring at.

Touma: N-nothing!

Ozpin saves me from further questioning by entering the room.

Ozpin: Glynda calm down, everything is alright.

Glynda: Alright? The caused a massive mess in the cafeteria. There supposed to be the guardians of the world.

Ozpin: And they will be, but for now let them be children. It's not a roll they will have forever.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Touma puting his clothes to dry.

After the food fight I decided to go for a walk, after I got changed.

I was thirsty so I decided to go get a drink from the vending machine.

Touma: (worried) ......

I only had a 100 lien bill in my wallet.

I decided to use it to get a drink but the machine took my money and gave me nothing.

Touma: No,no. Give me my money back!

Touma:(depressed) Such Misfortune

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Touma:(depressed) Such Misfortune.

Misaka: If your done using the machine, I'd like to use it.

Touma: The machine took my money.

Misaka: Yeah, this machine is pretty old so it does that when you put a big Bill in.

Misaka: So how much did you put in?

Touma: a........100 lien bill.

Misaka: Haha haha, you put such a big amount for a drink?

Touma: It was the only thing I had left in my wallet!

Misaka: Fine, I'll help you get your money's worth.

Misaka: Fine, I'll help you get your money's worth

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