Sudden Transformation

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( Izuku's point of view )

After I defeated the serpent boss, it seems like I got much stronger compared to the start.

I mean the golem monster who was the boss of the D-rank gate seemed less strong compared to Rasaka.

The last thing I wanted was publicity, imagine if people came to know that I have a leveling system. Sure, I would be praised but at the same time, there would be people who would want to use me for evil.

There were many heroes in this world. And though most of them were doing it for helping others, a huge portion of the heroes did it for the benefits it provided and the support from the hero associations.

On just one request of a high ranked hero, the association blocked any information about him from going online.

Every country had their own Hero associations even though Japan had All-Might, the US's hero association was still ranked the strongest, Japan coming right after it. This was just because of the fact that US had more S-ranked heroes among them and they had survived one of the strongest gate that ever opened.

It was an S-ranked gate. It opened on the center of the Times Square in New York. As soon as it opened completely, a gigantic number of Dragons , Wyverns and Lizardmens were rushing out of it, in a matter of minutes, the whole of Ney York was up in flames, but luckily, All might was doing his training for being a hero there, He single handedly took down the boss of that gate.

The boss of that gate was the Elder Dragon : Kamish . It was classified as a catastrophe level threat. It was then that all might earned the nickname of Symbol of Peace. This happened 8 years ago.

-----------------( timeskip )---------------------

( Third person perspective )

( One week later )

The week after the instant dungeon, Izuku had been in and around the hospital just doing his daily quests.
His stats were like this.

[                       * Status *

Name: Izuku midoriya.        Level: 18
Job: None.                              Fatigue:0
Title:  ' Chosen successor of
            The Symbol of Peace. '

HP: 2030/ 2030
MP: 285 / 285


Strength: 50.              Vitality: 33

Agility: 40.                 Intelligence: 31

Sense : 31.                  Luck : 31


Remaining points : 0

Rasaka's steel scales : 20%
Reduction to damage taken. ]

Today was the day that he got discharged from the hospital.

Due to all the paperwork, he got discharged late and then went home and slept.

-----------( The next morning )-----------

Izuku woke up early the next morning and started doing his usual exercise while shirtless.

It was after a while that Izumi came into the room to say bye to his brother as she was going to school, but she was shocked at what she saw.

Izuku's leveling system. [Under Rework]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang