Izuku's Turn

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( Izuku's point of view )

Last time, on dragon ba...
I mean Izuku's leveling system.

" All right, now that all main matches have ended, I believe it's time for your turn next. Right, Young Midoriya. " All Might looked at Izuku who was present in the room.

" Yeah, sure. I'm ready, so who am I gonna fight against, you? " Izuku jokingly said..

" About that, Actually, your opponents for your next round will be..... " All might said.

Now, this time...

" All the winning teams together. " All might said.

" By winning teams, you mean the four teams that won, right? Not the ones that came as draw, right?." Sero asked with a worried face.

" Ha ha ha. Don't worry young Sero, it's compulsory for the four winning teams, but others can also join them if anyone wants to and if young Midoriya has no problem with it. " All might said. Before others could even respond, Izuku's voice was heard.

" I don't mind it. If the whole class wants to join, I'm ok with that too. " Izuku said immediately.

" I don't want to fight him. " Mineta said.
" Me neither " Sero said.

Soon one after another everyone began to refuse joining the fight. Some because they saw how strong he was and were scared and some because they were injured, like Iida.

" Fine by me, I wanted to fight you alone, Deku, but this is fine too. This way, none of those losers can get in my way. " Bakugou said

The members of the four teams went inside the building. The members were Bakugou, Todoroki, Momo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Satou, and Uraraka.

Soon after, Midoriya also left to go to his place outside of the building. Before leaving, he asked something to All Might.

" Hey, All Might........ I'll try to keep the damage to the minimum. " He said before leaving.

Meanwhile, the villain team had reached the room with bomb room and were planning what to do.

" Bakugou-kun, from all the people in the room, you have know Midoriya-kun the longest. Is there any weakness of his that we could use in our favor. " Momo said.

" Do i look like I give a crap about the plan you are making. I just want to have my fight with him when he gives it his all and still win. Now listen, all of you. I'm gonna fight him by myself, if any of you try to get in my way, don't think that Deku would be the only one who'll beat you today. " Bakugou said.

" Heyy! Don't be so mean. You know, you sound like a real villian right now. " Kirishima said to him.

" Come on Bakugou-kun, don't you want to win this match, I say our best option would be to exploit any weakness he has. " Momo said.

" Yeah, as much as I consider Midoriya-kun my friend, it won't be right if I don't give it my all. " Uraraka said.

" Alas, I shall receiveth the chance to square that gent, and seeth wherefore dark shadow hadst gotten so restless. " Tokoyami said.

" Huhh?? What's it you saying bird-brain speak properly. And as for question ponytail, fine I'll tell you. Deku's always been a quirkless, but that didn't stop him from training himself. In a fight that happened in our class, he still came 2nd, only after me. He's always been entering different dungeons ever since he was 12. It's only since the last 10 months that he began changing. After that incident.... " Bakugo said.

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