??? Class

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" Oyy Nerd, Why the hell does the counter say 0! " Bakugou shouted angrily.

' Shit! I totally forgot about the power suppression ring. It won't allow anything to sense my power. Gotta come up with something fast. ' Izuku thought.

" Oh! Sorry about that. I forgot to stop suppressing my power. Actually, part of my quirk allows me to suppress it and allow it to not be detected by anyone and I usually keep it on. Well, I am ok with going again and it won't happen again Aizawa sensei. " Izuku quickly said to Aizawa.

' The hell is this kid talking about. Suppressing power to not be detected. Well that means he will show his power. It will be a good chance to sense his power. It's worth the try. ' Aizawa was thinking.

" Alright, fine. Do what you gonna do. I just want to see the level so that I can put you in any class. Just hurry up! " Aizawa said in his grumpy voice.

On hearing this, Izuku quickly went to the equipment section and unequipped the power suppression ring. He was able to do this without anyone noticing because, after his Intelligence had hit 200, he had been able to just think about the various system commands and skills he wanted to do and became able to. Meaning he did not need to say the command out loud anymore and instantly use the various skills.

Just as he unequipped the 'power suppression ring', a few of the eyes nearby him went completely wide open. They didn't even need to have great sensing ability to confirm it. The one who was in front of them clearly had overwhelming power.

Aizawa was just as shocked as the few kids who were able to sense his power. It caused some of the weak willed ones to have their knees shaking. Meanwhile those who didn't have good sense were just confused as to why everyone around them was so shocked.

Out of all the students present, only two of the students were staring straight at the Izuku. One was Bakugou, while the other was the boy who had scored the highest in the A rank untill now. He had half red and half white hair.

" I'm ready. Shall I begin. " Midoriya asked. This broke the trance that everyone was in and Aizawa spoke.

" Oh! Sure, go ahead. " Aizawa said. Midoriya then went ahead and placed his hand on the crystal. It immediately began to shine brightly. A small cloud of darknes was then seen in the crystal. In a flash, the entire crystal turned pitch black. And before anyone could react, *Boom* .

Before anyone could react, the crystal had exploded and that created a cloud of smoke around the place

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Before anyone could react, the crystal had exploded and that created a cloud of smoke around the place.

" What the!! "
" The whole crystal just exploded! "
" What is this supposed to mean? "

These were the some of the reactions he received. Aizawa was just as shocked as some of the students. But it was because he knew what this meant.

' So, he's able to break the crystal. This means he is of that class. It's been a long time since anyone was of that class since the start. Last one I remember was All Might. ' Aizawa was thinking silently.

Izuku's leveling system. [Under Rework]Where stories live. Discover now