"I raised you better,"

"You made him a hoe, " Jason said laughing.





I knocked on the door checking my watch knowing we were already late for the club opening tonight, the door opened to reveal my little sister Tiana. She has been married to my best friend Jason for six years now, I'm still adjusting to the idea of them being together.

"Hey," I greeted leaning forward kissing her cheek.

"Is he ready?" I asked referring to Jason.

"Yeah, he's supposed to be coming down," she replied looking behind her.

"Where are the kids?"

"At a sleepover, do you want to come in?"

"No need I'm here," I heard Jason say and Tiana turned around as he walked to the entrance.

"I'll be home by eleven," he said kissing her lips quickly, pulling away his settling eyes on her and she shot him a look making him smile.

"Fine then," he chuckled kissing her forehead.

"Tiana he needs his balls tonight," I told her, he pushed me softly leaning forward kissing her knowing that I hated the sight. I groaned walking away.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at the club, I handed my keys to the valet as we walked inside. We immediately saw Andre and walked over to him.

"You two are always fucking late," Andre pointed out sipping his champagne.

"I'm shocked that your fiance let you out alone," I replied laughing knowing he had been on a leash the last couple of days. I grabbed two glasses off a moving tray, handing one to Jason.

"She knew that Jason would be here,"

"What about me?"

"No she thinks you're slut," he said making Jason laugh.

"How do you guys live without your balls?"

"Fuck off man," Andre laughed along with Jason.

"So how is the bet going?" Andre asked smiling.

"Haven't started,"

"Well since you haven't started I want to add something to it," Andre said.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Twenty days no sex," he replied.

"I'm not doing that shit,"

"I like it," Jason said laughing

"Just because you guys aren't getting none doesn't mean I should suffer,"

"He's not getting none because he is on probation but I'm gett-," Jason started but I cut him off not wanting the image in my head.

"Remember you're with my sister man," I said he chuckled finishing his drink.

"And I think what he is saying is a good idea,"

"Man, that-"

"You shouldn't have been talking all that shit,"

"Alright," I said thinking about the Preston deal.

"So who you gonna date for the month?" He asked.

"I don't know, "

"So why don't you date one of the girls you've already been with?" Andre asked.

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