"Oh no. What if it can't fly?" You gasped worridly but Jacob was still confused to how the heck were you right about these things flying out their nest today.

The bird finally got the courage to take off from the nest, falling in the air couple times but making it up to the branch.

All the birds sung together one last final time before taking off into the sky and you'd like to believe it was them saying goodbye to you.

"Are you crying?" Jacob asked.

"Nope." You said as you watched the blue feathers float deep within the sky.

"Are you crying?"

"Yes." Jacob sniffed.

*  *  *

Changmin and Chanhee screamed as Eric ran after them with a water gun. Kevin and Younghoon were singing along to their favorite girl group while Sanyeon scolded Haknyeon for dropping his airpods in the toilet all while the rest of the boys simply watched T.V. or scrolled on their phones. You sighed watching from the sidelines thinking how much you'd miss this.

Felix clapped his hands from behind you, startling you a little.

"Okay all bags are in the car. Let's go!" He said pointing a finger to the door. This grabbed everyone's attention and set the room in a momentary silence before Nicole and Juyeon walked in side by side.

"I was telling Cole that she should come to my restaurant some time and I can make her a mean ostrich carpaccio." Juyeon said making your friend chuckle and nod in agreement. You looked at the pair up and down and came to the conclusion that next time you come back, you totally had to set up Cole and Juyeon.

As for Becky, you had time to think of a way to get her out of the picture.

"Miss Green would probably enjoy it." He referred to the woman who was now currently back in London. After your mom dramatically refused to believe Juyeon's life decision a week ago, she'd left with Miss Green who had immediately been called by a family member back in London about a family issue.

"Don't worry. I sent her a special package." You simply said, turning around to follow Felix towards the door. Everyone else followed behind.

Jacob rushed over to you once you were outside. He stood innocently in front of you, hands behind his back.

"Go out with me." He said.

"Next Summer." He continued after a pause.

"Please." He coughed after you still continued to be silent.

"Sure. " You smiled and from behind Jacob's shoulder popped Sunwoo's head.

"Can I third wheel?" He asked, laying his chin on Jacob's shoulder who just rolled his eyes.

"Sure Sunwoo." You laughed and the boy sent you a wink.

Haknyeon walked up to and without warning pulled you in to give you a tight bear hug, leaving you breathless.

"I'll miss you."

"I know."

"Kevin take care of my sweet Canadian boy okay?" You said sternly pointing a finger at the said boy. Jacob didn't know wether to feel embarrassed or immensely proud to be referred as your sweet Canadian boy.

"Yes ma'm!" Kevin said, sending a salute your way.

"Eric. Make sure Juyeon doesn't get his money blown by a ehm, said woman." You said raising your brows knowingly to the other boy who just laughed in response.

"And Sangyeon, oh sweet Sangyeon." You said to the older man who just scoffed.

"Thank god. This place will be a lot more quieter with you not around, and that's a lot to say seeing that there's twelve of us here." He said and Felix tsked.

"I don't think I'd be able to handle twelve. I can barely handle all nine of us."

"Nine of who?" Cole asked in confusion.

"Oh nothing."

"Stop playing Sangyeon I know you'll be the first to cry." You mocked and he just scoffed once more and averted you gaze. To make him even more uncomfortable, you gave him a long warm hug before stepping away.

You looked at the other remaining boys and smiled warmly.

"Thanks a lot guys." Was all you could really say not knowing the perfect words to describe what you felt.

"Are you crying?" Juyeon asked.

"Nope." You said.

"Are you guys crying?"

"Not yet." Hyunjoon replied on everyone's behave making you chuckle.

You sighed heavily before turning around to walk up to the car.

"How come we didn't get any special goodbyes?" Felix asked in a pout.

"I don't know." Nicole answered.

"Makes me feel left out." He pouted once more as they got into the car. You waved goodbye to the twelve boys as you got into the car and drifted off the drive way.

Peering back once last time and waving again to them, you turned back around.

A tear rolled down your face as you played with the friendship bracelet on your wrist.





The doorbell is what got Charlotte Green off of her couch and to the door in her silky see through gown. She shuffled to the door and opened it to find no one there but a brown box at her toes.

She raised an eyebrow and bent over to take the box.

Closing the door behind her, she began to be aware of a strange smell. It was faint but strong enough for her to catch it. She just couldn't figure out where on earth it was coming from. Ignoring the smell and rushing over to the kitchen to open her box which wasn't written of who exactly it was from, she grabbed a knife tore open the tape around it.

Miss Green was excited. She loved surprises especially if they were expensive.

She opened the box and leaned over it, the smell that hit her was enough to knock one out but the sight was even more worse.

A dead rat that had maggots forming in it's left eye laid there and a horrified Miss Green practically turned to a colour of her own last name from the disgusting display. Her eyes drifted to a light yellow ball.

A ball that was once put into her pudding at a certain lady's house by a certain evil daughter.

Miss Green fumed at the ball that had a mocking smiley face drawn on it. She growled in her throat, letting all the anger in her body build before screaming out as loud as she could into half of the city



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