"Yeah, it's frustrating, but at least it's temporary," Joe commented, squeezing his shoulder. They fell into a silence as soon as they got close to the people, this wasn't a conversation you had with people near by.

"Di! How are you, you were a bit of an emotional wreck on Saturday," Oti said, pulling her into a hug.

"Alright yeah, that song and routine just hit me. And seeing him so proud as well," Dianne said, referring to her dance partner. She was lucky, he seemed to be a favourite and they were storming ahead, especially because he was so committed to the cause.

"Little softy you've made her Joe," Oti joked nudging him.

"Tell me about it," Joe said, not taking his hand from her, just moving it to her back. He always felt a need to be holding her close on mornings like this.


Joe felt his phone buzz, as he watched Dianne dance. Reassured that she was doing okay, so he stood and answered it as he left the studio, throwing a glance back to Dianne who was preparing for a spin sequence. It turned out to be a work call about a clause for Margravine and he resolved it in a few minutes. As he was pocketing his phone, Giovanni rushed out of the studio.

"Joe, Dianne," he just pointed back at the studio, out of breath. Joe understood and rushed back in, finding a huddle of people around the spot where Dianne had been when he left. He walked forward, calmly, and crouched down next to her. "Did you faint little one?" He asked, stroking her hair.

She was laying with her head on Neil's lap, as Amy held her legs up. The two of them ran dance schools and it wasn't the first time they had had someone faint. Both of them had kicked in the minute she had uncontrollably wobbled.

"Hey it's okay, you're fine," he said, rubbing her arm, as she started to cry.

"See didn't I say AJ would have a gel in his bag," Amy said, as AJ returned with a sugar gel for her.

"Oh no, a bouncy dot, what are we going to do?" Joe joked as he opened it for her. Neil lifter her head a bit more, as Joe emptied it into her mouth.

"Do you think she needs a medic?" Janette asked.

"No, she's fine, not the first time this has happened eh baby?" Joe said, as she lay back on Neil's leg, eyes closed. Dianne shook her head and took hold of Joe's hand.

"Thanks guys," Joe said, as he stroked Dianne's sweaty hair.

"No problem, we can't just leave you behind can we Di?" Amy joked, patting her leg.

"I don't think I can do spins," Dianne said looking at Joe, positively green still.

Joe bent down and whispered, "do you want to tell them, then they can help?"

When she nodded he looked at Amy, Neil, AJ and Janette, who were all stood around her, the rest had dispersed. "We know why this has happened," Joe said and he couldn't help the smile, "Dianne's pregnant."

"Oh my gosh, congrats Chick," Janette whispered, patting Dianne's arm.

"I knew you were, oh I'm so happy for you," Amy said squeezing her foot again. Amy had actually suggested it to Dianne when she had started feeling so crap but Dianne had been caught up in the excitement and then nausea she had forgotten to tell Amy.

"We can adapt the choreo," Neil said, he was choreographing the dance so it wouldn't be any trouble.

"See, look at that, you've got all your support. What do you want to do now?" Joe asked, massaging her temple.

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