boom boom baby

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warning big kid words :) 

Love ya 


4:23 am 

It was a early spring night at the dorms. Everyone asleep, dreaming about becoming the hero's of the future.

Quite and peaceful, all until a loud booming sound came from downstairs. Causing everyone to snap awake. 




Could it be a villain? Iida thought as he began to rush down the stairs. 






Could it be Bakugou angry over a late night snack? a few others thought as they went down to see for them selves.






Shitty Deku. Bakugou thought as he made his way down the cold steps of the staircase. Perfect time to be barefoot. 






Maybe dark shadow got angry? Some thought. 






Maybe it was alien from area 53. Could it be life coming back to try to kill them. As everyone walked down the living room, only to see a empty room. "ok who the hell, made that noise?!" Bakugou shouted, it was to early for this shit for him. "IT'S A GHOST!" Denki began to run around yelling made up words to confront his poor weak soul. "I'M NOT READY TO DIE I HAVE A PET SNAIL AT HOME MAN!!!!" Jiro was holding everything in her self to not murder him right there. 






"Kirishima shut up!"

The class looked around, only the soft sound of the wind blowing filled there ears. Everyone was about to call it a night until the sound of a loud crash happened from the kitchen. Everyone went from chill hide and seek to holy shit we going to get snipped by the devil in three seconds. As they ran to the kitchen in a panic, they were meet with nothing. Just a empty kitchen at 4 am. Just perfect. 

Everyone was sat in the living room, some on the floor, some on the couch, some standing but all freaking out inside. "maybe it is all in our heads?we are stressed about going into our second year in ua." Tsu said out loud trying to clam down the everyone with her words, as Mina hugged her arm for dear life almost cutting off the blood flow. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"like hell I'm stressed." Bakugou grumbled under his breath. Everyone was slowly cooling down, all until other boom was heard right above them.






'its all in your head' 'its all in my head' 'just in my head'  'not real, not real, not real' 'don't be real, don't be real, don't be real'  'cant be real, cant be real'  'in my mind, in my mind, in my mind' 'I'M GOING TO DIE'  'I'M TO POWERFUL FOR THIS SHIT'  'DON'T BE REAL' 'if only mt father cold be here, he'll feel hell' 'god why me' 'nononononononononoonono god why' 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' 'i don't want to die'  'god please end me already'  'i'm too young to die' 'I DIDN'T EVEN KISS A GIRL YET' 'fuck my life' 'who i'm i to play with god'  everyone thought. 







"WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" As everyone closed their eye's for impact, laugher could be heard above them. As everyone loooked up they saw the one and only y/n l/n. Looking up to the ceiling it was y/n upside somehow able to stay above them, with that big grin on her face smiling back at them. Like some kind of spider from hell. 

She let out another laugh hopping off, landing on the coffee table in the middle of all of them. "you should see the looks on your faces!Priceless!" she let out a another laughing. Bending her keens as she hugged her stomach. "Oh my god how I missed you all, and your stupid face's." She whipped her eyes from the tears of joy. 

"God is dead, she's back guys." Sero sighed out to kirishima who still was hiding behind him from that scare. "Gotta me manly, gotta be manly, gotta be manly" He began to mumbled to himself. 

"Who let you back into ua!?" Mina questioned placing her hands of her hips, trying to seem brave in front of one the most crazed girls on planet earth. She wasn't supposed to be back, she wasn't supposed to be back here after what she did. Iida pushed up his glasses, "forgive my fellow classmates for their behavior for your return, but in all honesty really. Why are you back l/n?'

Y/n let out another laugh, "Like nezu would let me go, I'm to powerful for that!" She grinned happily. "Plus it wasn't my idea to prank you guys first day I came back, but Monoma told me that it'd be worth it. He was right!" 

"Anyways I'm off bros, gotta eat some curry from yui or she'll kill me. Ah the promises I make." Y/n hopped off the coffee table and began to walk off to the front door. But before she could fully leave she turned around to face two a once more, 

"Can't wait to scare the socks right off you all this year.." And there she went with a giggle, off into the early morning sky. 

No one was going to go to bed tonight.

"Hey bakubro could we sleepover?"

"Fuck off nerds."


Hope y'all enjoyed that :)

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