Prologue - Laozi Doesn't Wanna Die!

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That. Goddamn. HURT!

I reach out to touch my head and I realize that I don't even have a body.

 What is going on here?!


Zero. That's my name. I'm 22 this year, or at least I was. I've never had a girlfriend, even though all my friends have one. 

I don't have an interest in that kind of stuff.

I'm.. a little weird. I find life quite meaningless and boring. Not in the "I want to die" kind of way, but in the "there's nothing fun" way.

It feels like there's an invisible barrier blocking me from the rest of the world. On one side is everyone else, but on the other side is just... me.

And so, after I graduated from university I wanted to attempt to light up my interest in life.

I've gone and done all the things that people wouldn't normally do. Things like mountain climbing, skydiving, haunted house exploring, deep-sea diving--- heck, I was so desperate that I've even worked as an assassin! 

Unfortunately, nothing really worked. I mean, it worked for like a few hours, but afterward, it felt meaningless.

And so, when I was about to give up and just spend the rest of my days freeloading, a. freaking. meteor. landed. on. my. house!

Laozi  just wanted to find something fun in life, and let me tell you. DYING BECAUSE I WAS CRUSHED BY AN INSANELY HEAVY AND OVERSIZED ROCK ISN'T FUN AT ALL! IT'S CALLED PAINFUL!

So, that's how I ended up here.

I honestly don't really mind dying, after all, I don't have any connections back in my world. My friends come and go, they were just there for the sake of being there. I was an orphan ever since my parents died in a plane crash when I was at the age of 5.

If I had to name one thing that I would miss, then it'll probably be.. food?

I looked around and I seem to have landed myself in a completely white room with nothing.

Is this heaven?

Am I going to stay here for eternity? 

Hell naw! I might as well just die than stay in this lonely and desolate place that literally has nothing in it!

Oh wait, I am dead.

[Hello Host~ Welcome to your system space!]

'Excuse, me... what?'

[Zero, you are my host and I am your system. In other words, I am your helper. We will be traveling to many different worlds and experience them together. Sounds fun right?]

Okay, okay, okay. Stop. In front of me was this white fluff ball with two eyes...?

'So.. basically I'm transmigrating to many different worlds?'

[Yup! I am the Villain System 005 and I will accompany you as you travel to different worlds to become a villain!]

'If I may ask, why a villain?'

[Idk lol]

'Thanks, that was very helpful... so what do I do as a villain? Act evil? Destroy the world? Bully the protagonist?'

[Oh, your job is really easy! You just travel to different worlds and act according to your script. In the end, you just have to let the protagonist kill you! Once your task is complete, you'll gain reward points. Let me tell you, this is one of the easiest jobs out there! Although the title 'villain' seems sinister and unattractive, it's actually amazing! I mean, you even get a script! If you were bonded to a Cannon Fodder Counterattack system, then you would have to rack your brains to find a way to screw over the protagonist and their potential love interest without getting killed! As a villain, your goal is just to be mean and die!

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