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Today it was time to fly home. But Tyler, Josh, and Jenna were flying home with me because Tyler and Josh had to work in LA.

We went through security fairly quickly, and we kinda sat at our terminal for a while waiting to board.

"Ready?" Josh asked me as he held a balled up hoodie.

I put my phone down and held my hands up. "Go for it." I held my hands out and he tossed it to me. I threw it back at him, a little harder.

"I see how it is." He laughed and threw it back basically full force. I re balled the jacket and tossed it back at him. He threw it at me again and I barely caught it.

"Okay fine you win." I admitted and gave him his jacket back.

Jenna and Tyler returned with their food, they got food while me and Josh watched all of our stuff, so now me and Josh can go get food.

"I'm not even super hungry." I said as Josh and I walked through the airport. My phone started ringing and it was Brendon so I quickly answered.

"Hey, Cate!" I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Hey, Bren. We're at the airport now." I told him, looking around.

"We miss you. What time is your flight?"

"We board in an hour." Josh stopped at a Starbucks and I just tried to read the menu.

"So me and mom and Alyssa are gonna come pick you guys up. Text me when you board or when you're about to take off so I can get a time estimate."

"Ok I will." I promised him.

"Did you have fun?" He asked me.

"Yeah hold on." I said when Josh tapped my shoulder. "Can I have a Java Chip Frappuccino?"

"Is that it?" Josh asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah I had fun. I missed you guys though." I told him.

"We can do something tonight when you get home." He told me. "Okay. We're gonna go get breakfast. Text me when you board."

"I will."

"Okay, I love you. Have a safe flight." Brendon said.

"I love you too." I hung up and got my drink from Josh. "Thank you."

So we waited for our gate to be called, while we all just messed around on our phones

We boarded the plane, and I sat next to Josh, and Tyler and Jenna sat behind us. I held Josh's hand for take off, but even then I wasn't as nervous this time.

During the flight, I just slept for a little bit. When I woke up, I was back home.

Josh woke me up once we landed, "Hey Cate, you're home."

"Hmm?" I hummed, trying to stretch best you can on a plane. "When can we get off?"

"In a minute." Josh promised, and I turned my phone back on.

Brendon had texted me saying he was there to get us, and I answered saying we just landed.

They said that we could leave, and we got our carry ons out of the top compartments as soon as we could and got out quickly. We walked off the plane, I didn't speak much because I was still tired, but Jenna and Tyler were talking about something.

"I'm hungry." I complained, and Tyler laughed.

"Well we're here now, I'm sure you can get food here or if you wanna wait until you get home." Tyler responded.

"I wanna wait until I get home." I decided as Brendon called me. "Hello?" I answered.

"Are you guys off yet?" He asked.

"Yeah." I looked around, "Where are we?"

"Ask him where he is." Jenna said.

"Where are you?" I asked him, looking around and trying not to get run over by other people.

"I'm outside of terminal C."

"Terminal C." I told Josh, Tyler, and Jenna.

"Okay were right outside of there." Tyler said, more talking to himself. "Tell him were heading there."

"We're heading there now." I answered. "I'm hungry." I complained to him.

"I'll feed you." He promised.

"I see him." Tyler said, pointing in another direction.

"Tyler said he sees you." I stood as tall as I could and tried to look.

"I think I see you guys. I'll see you in a second. Love you, bye." He hung up and we started walking towards him.

"Cate!" I heard my name and I turned around. Brendon had somehow gotten behind me, not sure how, but he wrapped me in a hug.

"Hi!" I said, turning to hug him.

"We missed you." Brendon said, letting go and turning to talk to everyone else.

"Is anybody else with you?" I asked him, wanting to see everyone else that I missed.

"Zack was somewhere behind me I wasn't paying attention." He shrugged.

Zack caught up a moment later, hugging me and asking if I had fun.

"Can we eat now please." I asked, now clinging to Zack's side because it was super crowded.

"Should we eat when we get out of here? It's busy." Zack suggested, and Brendon said he thought that was a good idea too.

"That's fine."

I somehow ended up on Brendon's back, and Zack had my bag.

When we got home, I was ready to go to bed. But Sarah had made me food, and Alyssa wanted me to watch a movie with her.

"Hey, Cate!" Sarah ran to hug me when we walked in. "How was your flight? Did you have fun?"

"It was good, and yeah. I'm tired and hungry."

"There's food in the kitchen." She answered, now talking to the others.

I went to the kitchen where Sarah had cut up some fruit and put out some slider sandwiches. I love her.

Alyssa came running up to me, hugging me tight, "Catelyn!"

"Hi! I missed you." I kissed the top of her head and hugged her back.

"Can you come watch a show with me?" I nodded.

"Let me eat first." I grabbed a plate out of the cabinet and put some fruit and two sliders on it. I grabbed a water out of a fridge. "Okay I'm coming."

I moved over to the couch with her, and she was watching Victorious on Netflix. I settled in and put a blanket over both of us as she laid on top of me pretty much. Between the two of us we only took up like two couch cushions, so we were pretty much on top of each other.

Brendon and everyone came in to see what we were doing and to sit and talk more, I was half asleep and so was Alyssa so both of our eyes were closed. But I heard Brendon say he was taking a picture and then I opened my eyes up to my phone going off.

I opened it, and Brendon had just posted the picture he took.

stole our girl back from @/ twentyonepilots

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