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"And youre I have to go to school today? What if they start it early?" I pulled down my shorts, panicking about Alyssa's first chemo session today.

Brendon told me I still had to go to school, and Zack would pick me up last period right before the session was starting.

"If they start it early Zack will pick you up earlier, you will be there Cate, promise."

I left it alone, trusting him to pick me up, and turned to the mirror.

"I look like a rat oh my gosh." I groaned.

I had on loose Nike athletic shorts, a white and black Seattle shirt, and white crocs.

"No offense, but I don't care how you look." Brendon laughed. "We leave now and we can get coffee?" He offered, and I grabbed my bag.

"Yes." I quickly grabbed my stuff and followed him out the door.

"What kind of music day is it?" He asked as I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker of the car.

"Billie Eilish, at least right now, we might get some Greatest Showman in later." I pressed shuffle on don't smile at me, and party favor came on. "This ones my favorite."

"Really?" I nodded, and he continued driving, "Text your friends and see if they want coffee."

I pulled out my phone to text the group. "Where are we going?"

"McDonalds, unless you have another request?" I shook my head no, and texted the group.

To Landon, Lucy, Mags : mcdonalds coffee anyone? you have to come to the car and get it tho im not carrying 4 things in lol

From Lucy : iced caramel latte, i love you and whichever parent you're with rn !!

From Mags : ummm just a normal iced coffee ty bbyyyyyyyyy

From Landon : whatever maggie gets is good! thank ya c!

To Landon, Lucy, Mags : ok! ill text you when we're pulling up

"You can do music." Brendon messed with the car buttons so my phone was connected to the Bluetooth.

I went to my Spotify and scrolled through my recently played. "What kind of music day is it for you? I don't know what it is for me yet."

"Just go with something neutral then, as you listen you'll figure out what kind of day it is."

I pressed shuffle on Sleeping with Sirens, Landon was into them and we had listened to a couple of songs of theirs that I liked.

Kick Me came on shuffle first, and Brendon glanced at the screen. "I haven't heard this in a while."

But we listened to the song in silence, and Brendon took my phone to read off everyone's coffee orders to the worker.

"What are you getting?"

"Iced mocha." Then he ordered both of ours.

"I'll put mine in the cup holder then they're coming to get theirs, so theirs can be in the drink carrier."

"So what are you guys doing today?" I asked.

"I think we're gonna take Alyssa to lunch, kind of explain what's gonna happen, maybe go get her like a new blanket or something to take." I nodded, as he stirred his drink, trying to balance his knee on the wheel.

"Are you going to tell your fans? What if they see you at the hospital or something."

"I actually haven't even thought about that." The song switched to November.

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now