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Today was the day of Alyssa's surgery. It was less scary then I had anticipated. We just arrived to the hospital, sat in the waiting room, then Alyssa went back.

"Hungry, Cate? Wanna gonna find somewhere for breakfast?" Brendon asked about twenty minutes after she went back.

"I guess." I answered; and stood up to follow him.

"When does your report card come in?" He asked, I had just finished school the week before.

"It should be here soon, I already know all my grades though so it's not that big a deal."

"Alyssa is gonna be in the hospital for a little bit after this, anywhere from a month to three months." He said, looking at me carefully.

"What about your festival that you're doing? Are you still doing that? That's like all summer." I replied, and got into the car.

"I'm still doing it, you can come with me if you want, nobody's bought plane tickets yet which I guess I should tell Zack to do." He handed me his phone. "Text Zack and say 'We need plane tickets for Firefly for me, Cate, you, and whoever else band/crew is coming.'"

"Where are we eating?" I asked, and handed his phone back to him.

"I don't know yet." He was literally just driving around pretty much aimlessly.

We pulled into a Denny's and looked at the sign. Apparently; with the crazy of school ending and Alyssa's surgery, my entire family had missed the memo it was Father's Day.

I texted Sarah as soon as I realized what was happening, she had also forgotten, but she said she would figure something out for tonight.

"Father's Day breakfast I guess?" I laughed, and we went in, of course it was crowded. But since it was only the two of us we got a table fairly quickly. "I feel really bad with the end of school and Alyssa and stuff I forgot."

"I forgot too, I've just been trying to get Alyssa good for her thing and for the next couple of months. That reminds me, there's gonna be a couple of days where me and Sarah both have to be somewhere and you can't be at the hospital, so you might have to be home alone. You can invite some friends over though." Brendon said.

"I don't really think I'm friends with them anymore." I replied, fiddling with the menu.

"How come?" He asked.

"I don't know, remember they were being weird earlier then they just haven't talked to me since summer started."

"That's sad, maybe you can just stay the night with some people that I know, and trust, so you aren't alone. I'll figure it out, that's not your job."

We ordered our drinks, I got a birthday cake milkshake and he got an Oreo milkshake, then our food, I got french toast and he got pancakes.

"Smile." I held up my phone to take a picture of him and he made a dumb face. "Seriously." He smiled for a second, and I put my phone away.

"So, how do you like make new friends to hang out with this summer?" He asked, trying to be helpful.

"I don't." I answered, "Everyone gets their friends at school and at extra after school stuff, and I don't have any of this right now."

"Do you wanna do any extra stuff?" Brendon asked, and I shook my head.

"I mean, not to sound mean, but I would honestly be scared to even try to make friends just because of like you and how big the band is, you know? It's dumb."

"No, I know." He answered, "We'll figure it out."

We ate in pretty much silence, except for a couple of jokes that Brendon made.

"Ok, ready for this one?" I nodded as he looked up from his phone. "A doctor and an engineer loved the same girl, a doctor used to give the girl a rose everyday and the engineer gave her an apple everyday."

"Ok." I nodded, following the story.

"The girl eventually asked, 'There is a meaning behind giving a rose, what is the meaning behind giving an apple?' The engineer replied, 'because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.'"

"That's dumb." I laughed, and shook my head.

We stood up to leave and someone walked up to Brendon.

"Excuse me?" She said, "I didn't want to interrupt you while you were eating, but can I take a picture with you?" She fiddled with her phone case nervously, as Brendon smiled.


"Do you want me to take it?" I offered, and the girl nodded, handing me her phone.

They both smiled for a picture, and Brendon gave her a hug then I gave her phone back.

"Thanks guys!" She smiled, and waved as we went to pay and she went back to her family.

"She was nice." Brendon said, as we walked to the car.

We both got an Instagram notification, and Sarah had made a Fathers Day post. I doubted Brendon would check it, he hardly ever got on Instagram.

@/sarahurie: happy first Father's Day to my husband/best friend. me and the girls love you, thanks for everything you do for us. xx

I figured I would make a post at some point, probably whenever we got back to the hospital and I can sit and think for a second.

We arrived back at the hospital, and Sarah said Alyssa should only be back for another twenty minutes ish, then we can go see her, but she might still be asleep.

Brendon went to get Sarah a coffee, and Sarah told me how she was going to order some pizza and little decoration stuff for a Father's Day dinner.

"And don't tell him, but while you guys were gone I ran to the store that's right there." She pointed to the other side of the hospital, not in the building but just outside of it, "And got him a couple things, like I got a picture frame with pictures printed off and stuff like that."

"That works." I nodded, as I pulled out my phone to type this post out.

@/catelynurie: happy father's day to my best friend! thanks for everything you do for me, and for being the person i can talk to about everything. i love you!!

(A/N: I don't remember how I've written social media post in the rest of the book and I don't remember if that was Cate's username so please correct me if I'm wrong!)

I included a couple of pictures, a picture of us on stage, a picture Sarah took of us on a plane once, a picture from New York seeing Kinky Boots, and a picture from today at Denny's.

"Alyssa Urie?" A nurse called. "You are welcome to come see her now."




I'm so sorry this has taken forever!!!

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