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It had been about a month since Firefly and Alyssa's transplant. She was still in recovery, but right now they are going to test her to see if the cancer cells are still growing.

The doctors said that the chemo should have killed off the cancer cells, then the transplant should have prevented them from continuing to grow. Since her surgery, they have given her a couple more chemo sessions just in case.

We had been in treatment for about 5 months now, so that's about average, I think.

Brendon seemed quiet today, and he didn't say anything, but I think he was scared about Alyssa getting her hopes up about it being done and there still being something there.

"What time is it?" Sarah stirred from her spot asleep on the couch, I had been sitting on the floor charging my phone and B was sitting with Alyssa on the bed playing on his phone and watching tv.

"9:48." I answered, scrolling through my twitter feed.

I tweeted something, hoping to pass the time.

i'm bored entertain me please

I pressed send on the tweet, and went to Instagram for a minute, when I switched to Twitter there were a bunch of questions and things for me to look at.

where's brendon? Some one asked, I took a picture of them on the hospital bed and sent it out.

what kind of music/people do you listen to

obviously panic. i like @ 5sos a lot. send me recommendations, i'll listen to most things!! I replied.

did you like firefly?

i love firefly! it was so crazy and it's been one of my favorite shows

Someone asked me about seeing the past members of Panic! and my relationship with them.

i'm fairly close with dallon, i talk to him about a lot of stuff, i've talked to spencer a couple times on the phone but i've only met him in real life once

done for a little bit! i'll be back soon! I tweeted.

A doctor came in with a clip board, and we all put our phones away. Brendon stood up to shake the doctors hand.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa's dad, I'm not sure if we've met." He smiled, and took a seat on the seat behind me.

"I don't believe we have, I'm Dr. Taylor. Mrs. Urie." The doctor shook Sarah's hand and said a quick hello to me and Alyssa.

"So our test show that, so far, the transplant has been successful in producing the healthy cells. As far as we can tell, the chemotherapy did get rid of the cancer cells, and any that may not have been killed have seemed to have been killed by the new cells."

"That's great!" Sarah smiled at Brendon.

"We would still like to keep her for a little while longer, to do a couple more rounds of chemo, then after that we'll continue to see her every couple of months just to check that it isn't coming back."

The doctor showed us a couple of the X Rays, or whatever they do to look at the blood, a microscope I guess? And showed what it was before the surgery and after.

Brendon and the doctor talked about a couple more things, like when she could come home and if there was anything more she could do.

We, of course, had a little celebration when the doctor left. Brendon texted a couple people to keep them up to date, and sure enough not even an hour after the text was sent, we had visitors, I don't even think Brendon knew they were coming.

"Hey guys." Tyler lightly knocked on the door. I hadn't seen him since our little Christmas party, he had been on tour.

"Ty!" I jumped up to hug him, and he hugged me back laughing.

"Hey, Cate! What's up?" Tyler had flowers for Alyssa, and eventually settled into he couch as a conversation eventually started.

"We aren't doing anymore tours this year, I don't think, so I'm gonna try to take the girls to see the next leg of your tour." Brendon said, and I smiled.

"Really?" Brendon nodded.

"Dude, just let me know. I can guest list you guys and you can hang out with Jenna and Debby." Tyler promised.

Tyler could only stay for a little bit, so he gave hugs and we said our good byes, I promised I would text him later.

Dallon come shortly after, at about noon. "I come bearing food." He announced, placing a pizza and box of fries on the table.

"Hey, dude what's up." Him and Brendon did their little bro hug thing or whatever.

Dallon said next to Alyssa for a while, talking about how tour was, and how her treatments were going. Dallon played her a new IDKHow song that he promised was unreleased.

Dallon got up to get a slice of pizza and started messing with me.

"Hey, C." He poked at my shoulder, and I laughed. "How was firefly?" He poked my other shoulder. "What?" He continued as I laughed.

"Stop." I laughed, and he left me alone. "It was fun though, you guys just got off tour though too right?"

"Yeah, it was fun. It's always crazy though." He talked about their opening band, and the new version of Nobody Likes The Opening Band, which was my favorite song from when Dallon showed me a video of a show of theirs.

We talked for a little while, everyone cracking jokes, Brendon and I made up a dance routine and showed everyone which, as I'm sure you can expect, was a hot mess.

But for the moment all was well. Alyssa was pretty much cancer free, I got to see my extended band family, and there was a lot to look forward to.



sorry this took forever!! idk how i wanna end this book and i wanted to update this but i'm about to get on a plane for 9 hours

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