15. Revealed mysteries

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"She's been in there all day?" Natasha quietly asks in confusion.

"Yeah, I asked her what she wanted for breakfast, and she said she's not hungry." Sam quietly tells the three standing outside Alex's door.

"Cyberspeed would never reject an opportunity for food." Tony states. "She's been kidnapped! That thing in there is an impostor." Tony over reacts, pointing to Alex's room.

    Tony tries to walk in. Steve steps in front of him, blocking the door to Alex's room.

"No no no. I'll go in, and see what's wrong." Steve tells the bunch. They all look at each other in confusion.

"Why would she want to see you? She hates you more than I hate being handed things." Tony metaphorically states, giving Steve a weird look.

"If anything Natasha should go in. They're friends. Right." Sam suggests as he gestures to the girl. Natasha just give a look at Steve, waiting to hear what he would say.

"I'll go in." Steve repeats with a demanding voice. The three don't argue. Tony just mutters a whatever. The other three disperse, but not to far. So, the can see what happens when he comes out.

Steve lightly knocks on the door, and enters Alex's room. He shuts the door behind him.He analyzes the condition of her room. He thought it would be dark and musky. His guess was way off.

The sunset clearly shines through her window. The bed was neatly made. Her laundry that usually is on the floor was gone. This is so unusual, he thought.

"Icecap. I thought you were one of the people standing outside my door." Alex smiles as she gazed out the window.

Steve is shocked at her state. "Uh, yeah I just got back a little while ago." He replies. He slowly walks towards her.

"Yeah, Sam told me that you wouldn't be back for couple hours. Guess the mission took long than thought." Alex answers. She stands up from her chair, putting her hands into her jean pockets.

"Yeah. Well, are you hungry?" Steve asks with a gesture.

"You know I'm actually okay right now. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. We got a long day tomorrow with Tony's party." Alex explains as she tries to walk around him.

Steve holds her wrist. He turn around to face her. She's avoiding eye contact. Steve notices this. Alex just stays there, looking at the ground.

"Are you okay?" Steve genuinely asks as he intertwines their hands. He waits for an answer.

Alex takes a breath, and looks up at him in a smile.

"Of course. I'm just..." Alex stops herself from telling the truth. "Tired. That's all." She looks up at him smiling. She lets his hands go.

    "We've been really busy lately. I guess it's just catching up." She shrugs.

    "Alright, do need anything?" Steve suggests as he walks to the door to leave. Alex give another smile.

    "Nope." Alex innocently answers as she sits on her bed.

    "Okay, Goodnight." Steve says in confusion as he walks out the door. The three gather up around him as soon as they see him walking out.

    "Goodnight." Alex replies, waiting for the door to shut.

    Once she hears the click, her smile disappears. She gets up off her bed, and kneels beside it. She lifts up her bed skirt, and pulls out her duffle bag of her belongings.

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