3.Hidden Wounds

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   Well, Sam's house wasn't that scary.

     It's been three days. THREE. DAYS!

     The days were filled with watching security footage, looking through peoples history, looking at who just rented apartments, and looking through social media.

     Steve's and Alex's arguments seemed never ending.

    Lots of take-out. Lots.

    The list of places Bucky could be had barely shortened. They were starting to get pretty annoyed about that and with each other.

    "You guys better start cleaning up soon. My place is so messy." Sam complains as he picks up an empty pizza box. He walks to throw it in the trash.

    "It's Alex, she doesn't know how to clean up after herself." Steve passive aggressively replies, and continues to search through data.

    Alex looks up from the laptop to look at Steve with a glare and replies, "Spangles don't blame it all on me. I wouldn't be here if you didn't ask me."

   "Oh yeah, thank heavens I asked for your help. You come with an attitude, messy habits, and coffee withdrawals. You are the full package." Steve sarcastically comments as he looks her in the eyes with his own glare.

    Alex scoffs.

    "If I wasn't being hunted by Hydra, I would kick your ass, and I'd leave you here to find him yourself." Alex growls with aggressiveness in her eyes.

    "I'd like to see you try." Steve tests, looking at her dead in the eye.

    Alex just about pounces for him, but Sam quickly jumps to hold her back. Alex just stands up straight, and she takes a breathe as she tries to calm down.

    She full knowingly could got Sam out of the way.

    Sam slowly lets Alex go.

    "Stop, you guys are acting like children, and if you guys keep arguing I'm gonna go insane." Sam exclaims. It's clear, Sam is done with their arguments.

    "Alex instead of ordering food on the phone, how about a walk?" He calmingly suggests. He just about walks to get his coat.

    "Fine, only because I haven't seen the light of day in three days." She comments. Alex sees Sam getting ready.

    "And I'm going alone." She demands.

    Alex walks tensely. She grabs her brown leather jacket, her bag, and she left with a slam of the door.

    Steve brings his eyes back to the laptop. Steve mutters,


"You kind of are an asshole." Sam try to nicely tell Steve. Well as nice as he could sound.

    Sam sits down next to him.

"What!" Steve exclaims looking at Sam in disbelief.

    "You're supposed to be on my side." Steve tells the man.

"I am. You just act different towards her." Sam comments as he leans back in his chair.

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