5. Secrets in Recovery

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Alex woke up and sat up with a gasp. Her memories flooding her mind. Alex lets out a deep breath. 

She tries to stabilize herself but viewing her surroundings.

   "Alex you're up." Steve says from the seat beside her. Alex looks around. She's in a hospital room.

"What. The. Fuck?" Alex asks herself as she lays back down.

"So, you got shot, and told nobody. Smart move." Steve sarcastically says with a smirk.

"Shut up, Old man." Alex croaked. "You should make yourself useful, and get me some water." She tells Steve.

    "That's how you know your too tired. She can't even come up with a good name to insult me." He laughs.

"Only because if I say no, you will get it yourself. The doctor says you are on bedrest." Steve says while getting her water.

Alex rolls her eyes. Bed rest. What a joke.

He comes to give it to her, but at the last second he pulls the cup away.

"Say please." Steve smugly demands.

"Rogers." Alex growls. She gives a deadly glare.

"Alex." Steve mocks.

"Fine, please." Alex gives up.

"And...?" Steve urges her to say thanks with a smirk on his face.

"Now your pushing it." Alex states with a glare.

"Steve give her the water." Sam says as he is walking into the room. Steve hands Alex the cup with a smirk.

"Thanks, Samson." Alex says as she chugs the water.

    "You say thanks to him, but not me." Steve bickers in protest.

    "I like Sam more than you. You are an asshole." Alex simply states with her finger pointing at the man.

    "Thank you, Alex." Sam says with a smirk towards Steve.

"See what happens when your nice?" Sam tells Steve with a sly smile.

"So, What happened?" Alex asks as she takes another sip.

"You fainted from pain and loss of blood. We rushed you here. The doctors put you on those drowsy drugs to help with the your pain and recovery."

    "Oh, and you got surgery somewhere in this time period. So you got stitches. I don't know all of it. You can ask Steve. He hasn't left the hospital yet." Sam explains to Alex nonchalantly.

"Well, shit." Alex chuckles, taking the last sip of water.

"Hey Sam, can we talk?" Steve asks gesturing to the door, but Sam wasn't looking.

"Ok." Sam replies as he pours himself a cup of water.

"Privately." Steve coughs under his breath.

"Uh...yeah sure." Sam said walking out of the room with Steve following.

"Y'all better not talk shit about me." Alex yells before they leave the room.

Once they were out, Sam says, "Please don't tell me you actually wanna talk shit about Alex because I'm s-"

"Sam, I need you to look into someone for me. Lily Collins." Steve cuts him off with his rambling.

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