13. Emergency briefing

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"So, Hydra, which turns out to still be world-threatening has Loki's sceptre, and using it to make god-knows-what." Alex repeats.

    "Great, this is fantastic." She sarcastically comments. She in return gets an eye roll from everyone else around the briefing room table.

"So, what's the plan?" Sam asks, ignoring Alex.

"Alex how soon can you get the coordinates." Steve questions from the foot of the table.

"Four minutes, tops." Alex smirks with her ego laced in her voice. She reaches to pull out her new laptop that conveniently she left in the briefing room.

"Well, someone's been practicing." Nat proudly states as she sits on the table.

"Glad somebody noticed." Alex says as she gives a look to everyone else. She turns back to the screen.

"Alex, Once you do that, find out the layout of the hydra base. Tony there's probably a barrier. I need you to have yourself ready to take it down. Then, I want you into their files and have Jarvis collect what he can. Natasha, Bruce, and Clint clear the area. I'll help then I will infiltrate the base and catch the man in charge." Steve plans. He glances at everyone for any questions.

"What about me and Sam?" Alex asks with an offensive tone, looking up from the laptop after typing away.

Steve explains, "Alex, our last mission-"

Suddenly a booming thunder fills the ears of everyone.

     The lights go down. Perfect.

     The noise almost knocked Alex off her seat.

"Well, looks like Thor finally decided to show up, and decided to land on the top of the tower. Again. Great." Tony sarcastically remarks as he plays with his watch in attempt to turn on the power.

"Should we wait, or go up there." Alex asks what everyone was thinking as she leans back from the laptop.

"I think we should wait. Why should I be the one to go to him." Tony annoyedly replies.

"Why don't we just go see him? He could be waiting for us." Bruce speaks up from the side of the room.

"No, we can wait." Tony says as he continues tapping at his watch.

"You're just mad. He landed on the tower again." Nat fires with a smirk. She smiles at his annoyed attitude.

    "Hell yeah I am." Tony states, not even denying it.

    "Let's just go up." Sam says, already done with this argument.

    "No." Tony quickly answers.

    "The longer we argue the more this becomes pointless." Steve tells the group in a booming tone.

    "Icecap, we are trying to make a team decision here." Alex replies with humour as she looks at everyone then back at Steve.

    "This is an emergency briefing! We are not here to discuss whether we should go upstairs." Steve demands.

    "Alex please get back to finding us those coordinates." Steve resuming the meeting.

    "I am. You guys think hacking is all typing and looking into a screen. It's fifty percent waiting, twenty percent knowledge, and thirty percent actual typing." Alex rants.

    "This is so dumb." Tony sighs as he looks up from his watch. The power restarts, and comes back on. The heroes look up. "Fine, let's go see Thor." Tony gives in.

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