"Bye... Meet you tomorrow", he ended the call. I smiled at smelling the roses. "Adithi. Who was that?" Bhabhi asked me. "You don't know? Bhabhi... Can't you guess the person?" I asked her. She nodded in refusal.

"It's Jeeva sir", I placed the bouquet and sat beside it. "How did you know it?" she asked out of surprise. "I don't know. He was the first one who came to my mind Bhabhi", I replied.

"What I said before is right Adithi. You both are connected. I mean both of your hearts are connected", she sat near me. "There's nothing like that. No connection between us Bhabhi", I refused quickly.

"Then ask yourselves how did you know he sent it? There's nothing wrong with accepting it. You accepted when I said our minds are connected. But now you're refusing this statement. Ok now let's consider Jeeva. He can say the things that you think and you feel right? Then you two are connected well subconsciously", she said.

She is right. How did I know that he is the one? He came to my mind first. And he can tell what I feel. Did I know that before? Is it true that our hearts are connected?

Jeeva's POV:

I wanted her to know that I am the one who sent her the flowers. She found it as well. A smile crept over my lips thinking of her.

Arya's POV:

When I went to Jeeva's room he was standing with a beautiful smile. "Jeeva", I gently touched his shoulders. He gazed at me.

"Did she get the flowers?" I asked me. "Yes. She called me and thanked me. She got to know that's me", he smiled.

"I think she is in love with you Jeeva. You stopped the car all of a sudden just to send her flowers. You sent her flowers without your name. She called you and thanked you. How did she know that it's you? I am sure that she's in love with you", I said what came to my mind.

"Have you lost it? She doesn't love me", he answered furiously. "I know you more than you Jeeva. You are in love with her too. I know", I insisted.

"Arya... No one is in love with no one. Just drop it here itself. Do not think too much", he stood up. "It's up-to you Jeeva. It's all in your hands", I walked away from him. He was standing with a confused face. Let him think.


Jeeva's POV:

Everyone was busily packing their possessions to leave to Varun's ancestral town for Kanamma's marriage. I went to Amma and hugged her. "Jeeva... Why are you here? We're getting late. Go and pack your things", she rushed me up.

"Amma I have to tell you something", I said. She stopped her work and looked at me. "Amma... We have got a new contract this week. There're a lot of works to be done within this week. So I have to stay back for a day and complete everything", I poured my thoughts to her. She sighed.

"This is not fair", she turned her face to the other side. "I promise I'll be on time. Arya will be with you. If any ritual has to be done then he'll do it. I am just a day late. Please, Amma. Understand", I took her hands in mine. "You too Jeeva?" Kanamma entered in with a worried face.

Uthra accompanied her. "Uthra is also saying the same. Now it's you", she gazed at me angrily. "I am so sorry Kanamma but this is so important. And I cannot skip this. Next week I have to fix up the office. I swear I'll be there punctually", I hugged her. Uthra hugged Kanamma too.

"Not fair at all. My wedding is just two days ahead. I don't want you two to stay away from me these two days. As you both are saying that it is essential, I am allowing you two", she replied.

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