Its Been a Long Day

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Guess who's back? Back again?

I deactivated my wattpad account for awhile. I just didn't need the distraction in my life. In the end I find myself back on wattpad and I'm not surprised.
I'm back in school.
Crap has gone down for real.
I have a love hate relationship with high school.
I love art class.
I love to hate English.
So glad I have math next semester because math gives me a headache and makes me want to cry on the kitchen floor and have a mental breakdown.
I really like gym because there is no dress code.  (or at least the teacher doesn't care) ya girl wearing her booty shorts.

Well I guess I have to write something funny now. I'm so exhausted. I'm so tired. And apparently it's very obvious because so many of my friends came up to me and was like 'you good?'  And honestly, yeah. I'm a-ok. I just need wattpad back in my life. Today was kind of a gloomy day today, and it was raining but I still had to go outside for gym.

I've found a newfound love for annoying the crap out of everyone and anyone.  It's great. Today in the gym locker room I stood on the benches and jumped from one to the other. I still don't know how I didn't fall on my face. I'm just that amazing. I'm still a single Pringle and apparently never ready to mingle. If you date mE I WiLl ShArE mY FOoD wItH you. Hehe. Also I'm not vsco. Vsco girls scare me. 

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