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So in science we were talking about how earth orbits the sun due to the gravitational pull inertia... And all that good stuff and he was talking about how it's similar to lunging a horse. Now, I'm not sure if you know this but I've been riding for about 7 years now so I've learned quite a lot and ride western and do dressage... And my science quintessentially asked me if I knew what lunging a horse was, then made me explain it to the entire class. So, it'd when you put a horse on a long lead and train the horse to run around you. Yeah... I tried to train my horse Wildfire (aka Big Dub) to lunge and he tried to kick me. So I have all the supplies to lunge... But I can't. Thad great. Then I noticed a horse skull in the back of the class in a glass case and asked if that was his daughter's horse's (he told is a really long story about his daughter's horse) skull. He was like 'Nahh that's my horse from when I was little.'  That's a pretty old horse skull. My oldest pony is about 31, Wildfire is 13, turning 14 in August. Wildfire is my baby and I love him so freaking much he is such a little cutie and always is so good and is so smart (too smart tbh smh) and has incredible memory. Like, due to... things going on that are VERY important I don't really have the time to take him out and ride. So he goes like 6 months without being worked with and he still is a docile little sweetie.

This was more of a rant than a funny story but I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed. What's your favorite story thus far?

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