Swimming Trip

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My school has a field trip specificity for my grade, and it's kinda a risky trip cause' we go out to a local beach.  Just a note: there are several guys in our grade who indeed do have abs. ;). So basically Makayla and I tried to drown each other. I climbed on her shoulders then she carried me bridal style. Then we realized something. People are incredibly light to carry in water. So we all started to carry around each other. While Makayla was holding me I wrapped my arms around her neck so when see tried to drown me I was going to bring her down with me.

I was wearing my flip flops in the water running. The water was about knee-height. Then my flip flops made my feet go out from under me. I face-planted into the water. Then I cut my knee up on the rocks, it was bleeding. The bleeding wasn't bad. It just wouldn't stop bleeding! So then I ate two Hershey bars. The big ones. Oof I wonder why I'm fat. Then after we ate Makayla started saying how bloated I got from eating. I hecking drowned that bich azz hoe. We don't say those no no words here.  Then there were those hoes at the beach who wore those sleazy extra revealing bikinis and hung around the boys. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ. Sigh. WE GOT ICE CREAM WHILE WE WRER THERE TOO!!! But it rained. But we still swam after it was over. Because I'm very over prepared for all events, I was sure to pack makeup because ain't nobody but my besties get to see my ugly face without makeup.

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