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I was in a science class when my friend Makayla was sitting in front of me. The teacher was gone doing something teachery. The teacher has this HUGE bottle of lotion on her desk, so I grabbed some. I sat back down in my desk and then plopped a glob of lotion into her hair. She later punched me. In the boob. Ouch. Then I wrote 'Makayla punched hard!' On the board. She punched me again. In the stomach this time. I don't care though. Then I repeatedly called her by her nickname 'Lil hoe' or 'lil thottie' just because, why not? She punched me again.
Moral of the story.
Makayla punches hard.

PandaPanzi10 ;) *whispers 'I ship it'*
Also there are some shipping conspiracies about you and Aiden. Oooof dibble winkey face ;;)

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