I Cured My Acne

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That's Mr. FluffyButt







I have struggled for so long with my acne but for the first time in a long time I've been going outdoors. I've went swimming several times and have worked around the farm. My face is acne free. ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.  
My face got a bit burnt but the burn will turn to a tan. Also my shoulders now look like freshly cOoKeD FlesH. The flesh actually looks like it's cooked and this weird clear liquid will come out of it and then it will bleed. I don't have any aloe but I'm not going to the doctor for a little bit of a sunburn.  But stupid me thought to put alcohol on it to make sure it wasn't infected.  





THESE SHOULDERS ARE ON FIRE.  *plays music to 'This Girl is On Fire'*

Yeah. So if they were infected they aren't now. I put baby lotion on them so hopefully it will go away soon.   I'm probably about to get more burnt, I'm going to go ride my horse sometime today or tomorrow.

Wish me luck, my horse is kinda crazy.   It's not that he's a bad horse, but he just acts a bit crazy when I ride him at home. When I put him in a trailer and ride him in a arena somewhere else, he's fine! But at home? Noooooo he has to be difficult!  Tbh I'm sick and tired of him bucking and being a bully to me. So I've gathered the courage, to finally make him listen. I might get a bit banged up, but I will make him listen. I have had multiple lessons from people who are professionals and I think I know how to make him listen. This will be fun.  It's all about control and keeping a constant focus.

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