Younger Kids...

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Ok so the younger kids, the seventh graders were having a conversation, and apparently they are very stupid. Usually if you plan to talk about embarrassing and inappropriate subjects you talk quietly, but noooo not these kiddos. Today they were talking about minecraft.  Now, I myself do still play minecraft, but rarely ever, and only when a massive update comes out. But these girls were passionate about their minecraft. Also can I mention that this one kiddo was bragging about her mom being an artist... And I'm all for beginners and all... But... She was trying to paint a forest... But see was just squirting random colors into a sheet of paper. She wasn't trying to be abstract... She just... Wow. I've seen fifth graders do better. Then rhey started talking about how they were watching porn about how to 'stretch it'.            -___- Why. Why. Why would you say that so loud. And there was littler kids in the room too!! (ノ_<)  The one girl is nice but the other two girls at one time dated too. Personally, DATING IN SCHOOL IS STUPID UNLESS YOU ARE ABOVE NINETH GRADE AGGHHHHH. ITS SO FRUSTRATING. NOWADAYS FREAKING KINDERGARTENERS ARE DATING. HUNNEY. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO ADD. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES AND THE EGGPLANT EMOJIS AND THE FRUIT-LOOPS. *sigh* Sometimes your opinion isn't the popular opinion. But it's my opinion. BUT THAT DON'T STOP ME FROM SHIPPING MY FRIENDS.
I still ship Makayla and Michael *insert Lenny face**
Online dating is stupid. But it doesn't stop me from shipping it.  But some online relationships can be talked too far. Break up before it gets too serious Hun. Because you really never know who you really are talking to. Never. Not until you meet them in person.  There are some catfish kid stalkers out there who do a lot to earn a kids trust. They could be anybody. Like I could just get online and say 'Hey, my name is Evalin Conners' and go by that alias for years and make a friend become my half-sibling that's way hotter that me. 😂 Her name will be Skylee Conners.

That's Mr

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That's Mr.FluffyButt   He ran away a few years ago. Never found him.  So sad. Randomly found that pic of him. So absorbable.

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