Red Umbrella Part 10

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She twitches as her body begins to morph into something new, something dangerous.

Her hair falls out, and her arms become covered in lesions.

A person in biohazard gear can be seen coming up behind her before the person puts a needle into her neck causing her to lose consciousness.

She awakes in a room, but she is not alone. The room is full of infected individuals at different states of their infection. They moan and shove about, as they are shoved together like sardines.

A group of people in biohazard gear stand outside the room, they are talking to each other through microphones in their suits.

"We'll have an apocalypse in no time."

One man says, he appears to be the leader.

"It's going to be epic, putting the new virus into the Chloroform solution worked wonders; they don't even know that they are infected before they even come here, and that the rest well that was just for our entertainment."

A younger man in a suit says, as he steps back a sign above him labels the room "Biohazard Level 5"

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