Red Umbrella Part 5

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She awakes to a blasting alarm, it's so loud that she has to put her hands over her ears to block it out; the visuals can't be ignored as the room flashes with red light.

Sitting up in bed, she notices a rash on her wrist, its dark red in colour and blotchy.

It isn't itchy at all though, so she puts it to the back of her mind.

She doesn't have time to get out of the bed as it crumbles underneath her leaving her sore on the ground.

A voice can be heard coming over a speaker.

"Go to the bathroom and wash your hands, we have no time to waste."

She looks around the room, looking for the speaker but it surrounds the entire room so it's hard to pin point where it's coming from.

"If you have accident, we won't be cleaning it up."

The voice warns.

She stands up, lifts up her gown and starts going to the toilet, she looks around uncomfortably doing this as all she feels is somebody watching her pee.

When she's finished she cleans herself, flushes and washes her hands.

She hasn't got a chance to do anything else as the sink and the toilet vanish into a hole underneath.

Without much warning the ground she stands on collapses and she is pulled underneath, down to a different level.

She lands in a hallway that seems to go forever.

Growing exhausted by the time she reaches the end of it, she sits down on the ground to restore some stamina.

The door opens behind her; she turns around and sees the sign in the room that says "Biohazard Level 2".

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