Red Umbrella Part 6

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Standing up she enters the room. The first thing she notices upon entering is a woman's body that can be seen slouched in the corner. The woman looks she's had her throat cut, as the blood from her neck drips to the floor like a leaking tap. The sound echoes around the tiny room.

Fear consumes the other woman's body entirely as her lips tremble and tears begin to stream down her face. She hesitates to even go near the dead girl, instead standing uncomfortably on the spot, her arms crossed in front of her, in some preservation state.

"What is this?"

She says in desperation, her voice trembling.

No one responds.

She starts to grow incredibly impatient, wanting out of the room and out of whatever experiment is going on here.

"Let me out please"

The door is no longer there, so she walks around the room knocking on each part of the wall heavily.


She says with growing distress.

Eventually she gets a response but not from whom she was expecting.

"You are in here until the end"

The voice comes from behind her, from a familiar source. The woman she presumed was dead, that should have been dead.

The woman's face is pale, and drenched in sweat. Her neck is still bleeding as she proceeds to stand up.

"This is only the beginning"

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