Time for a Change Part 1

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A woman wakes up, she turns her alarm off. Gets up, goes to the bathroom, washes her hands and brushes her teeth, she smiles wide to expose her pearly white teeth.

She puts on her red lipstick, puckers up and then continues to do her eye liner and mascara.  Moving towards her bedroom she pulls out the perfect outfit, a short skirt with an even shorter top and a pair of red heels to match her lipstick.

As she undresses she picks up the skirt and begins to pull it up her thigh, a bite mark is visible for a small period of time until it's hidden by her skirt.  She goes to grab some concealer, lifting part of her skirt she covers the bite in makeup where it disappears completely.

She puts her top on, a cute necklace around her neck and then proceeds to put her high heels on.  Lastly she grabs her handbag before she heads out the door.

Walking down the dormitory hallway she exudes confidence

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Walking down the dormitory hallway she exudes confidence. Her bag sways in time with her hips as the smile on her face grows with each step.

Her long black hair lies flat against her back, extending down to her waist and her fringe is perfectly cut just above her eyebrows. She could be a model.

Green eyes are her main feature as they stand out in their vibrancy, as she walks by people smile in unison, showing her popularity.  She stops short when she sees the door for her class, turning right to head inside.

"Rose, welcome back to class"

The teacher says recognizing her entrance. 

She hadn't been to class in a while; actually she had gone missing and was presumed dead.

Whispers could be heard throughout the classroom.

Wasn't she dead?

They said she was attacked by a stranger... that he had killed her?  But if that's true how is she here right now...

"She rose from the dead..."

A student with shaggy blonde hair and super clean clothes says out loud.

He laughs triggering the rest of the group to laugh.

The teacher signals them to settle down as he urges Rose to sit down; she looks down as she walks towards a vacant seat, but before sitting down she gets close enough to the boy that made fun of her, lifts her head up and growls loud in his face, this startles him and he pushes his seat back hitting another table behind him.

"Be careful what you wish for"

She says smugly as she goes to sit down.

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