Red Umbrella Part 9

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A red arrow directs her in which way to go so she follows it.

The way has twist and turns but she eventually reaches a double door. It has a security measure, which requires a thumb print similar to the one when she woke up at the beginning.

She puts her thumb on the key pass, it triggers a response and a needle pokes her in the thumb, wincing she pulls her hand back as the needle retracts.

She looks at the back of her hand, where the needle went in, as the door goes red and opens.

The room inside looks like it could have been a laboratory, but instead of it being covered in items, the tables lay bare.

When she walks inside holes open up in the ceiling, test-tubes start falling from the ceiling, they have labels on them, as they fall to the ground and smash.

She holds her hand up to her mouth as she reads one of the labels written on a broken test-tube it says "Ebola".

Another test-tube falls at her feet, it reads "Marburg virus".

More test-tubes fall rapidly around; they eventually knock down a whiteboard. When it falls it reveals that "Biohazard Level 4" is written on it, in big letters.

She holds her hands over her mouth as she tries to manoeuvre herself out of the room, she stands in front of the door she arrived in and letting go of one hand from her mouth, begins to use that hand to punch the glass.

She knows this is useless, that this glass won't break, but she is so concerned about becoming infected with one of these viruses that she can't think clearly. She then grabs a chair and lifts it up throwing it against the doors but that doesn't make a dent.

Standing alone and terrified of dying she doesn't know what to do, but with the thought of dying on her mind she becomes full of adrenaline, she then barges into the doors like a stampede forcing them to open, both sides of the door fall to the side broken.

Her breath becomes deep and her are eyes red.

InfectiousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon